Here’s the next installment of the detailed Frontier Timeline. This month sees the sathar committing to a command structure for the coming war, the UPF begin to prepare for a potential threat, sabotage activities starting to hit important targets, and the Saurians beginning to flea their homeward in advanced of the sathar onslaught.
I’m thinking about increasing the posting frequency of these events on Twitter, and increasing the number of events in each monthly installment. Technically, an Earth month is 36 Frontier days so I should probably be posting at least at that rate. Anyway, it’s something I’m considering. Here’s last month’s events.
Date (FY)
The sathar starship construction center near Kizk-Kar completes construction of a heavy cruiser.
After nearly a
year of investigation and undercover work, agents of the Pale government
infiltrate and disrupt a major Star Devil operation in the outer reaches of
the Truane’s Star system. Several vessels are seized including a frigate and
pair of assault scouts which are added to the militia’s roster.
The first of the saurian Ark ships is
completed in orbit around Sauria.
While initial testing is completed by the ship’s command crew, the
colonists to depart on the ship begin assembling on the planet with all of
their supplies.
The first creche
of 50 Eorna born from the recovered egg ship are hatched. All of the new
babies are heathy and appear to be free for any serious defects. Representing
a 33% increase in the existing Eorna population, there is cautions excitement
about the prospect for the future of the race.
Saboteurs strike against the
exploration ship being refitted by the Yaziria Heritage Foundation damaging
it but not destroying it, setting back their efforts. The Foundation suspects
the Family of One to be behind the attack.
After months of
debate and wrangling, Clan X is given control of the current campaign against
the Frontier. Clan Y continues to head
the campaign against the Saurians.
The CDCSS Nightwind arrives in the
Madderly’s Star System on its way back to Cassidine. The ship needs to lay over in the system for
several days to complete overhauls on its engines.
After 14 days of
climbing, the Spire Dragon mountaineering team has found a location one
quarter of the way up Mt. Spire where they establish their first forward
camp. Work begins hauling supplies up
from the base camp while parts of the team continue the ascent.
Unknown assailants waylay the crew of
the CDCSS Nightwind on their last day on station Kdikit. While several of the
crew are injured, none are killed. The
assailants are not so lucky and those that are captured are turned over to
station authorities for questioning.
The Nightwind gets underway for Cassidine
Beginning of year
2898 on Hum (Fochrik).
The CDCSS Nightwind is attacked by a
pair of assault scouts as it makes its way out of the Madderly’s Star system.
Too far out for assistance from Spacefleet, the ship is damaged but manages
to damage its pursuers enough to escape, validating the ship’s design.
bomb explodes on Faire in the Capella system. Several hundred are injured and
dozens are killed. It’s not clear who set off the detonation or its purpose.
The Medical Services Organization
issues an alert about the rise is Ixiol cases in the Prenglar system, most
notably on Gran Quivera but several cases have been reported on the Gollwin
Academy. Cadets found using the drug expelled from Spacefleet.
The TTSS Destiny
arrives in the White Light system on its Grand Tour.
Spacefleet and Star Law launch a joint
investigation into the origin and distribution of the drug Ixiol. While it’s believed to originate in the
Dramune system, the exact source is still unknown.
Strike Force Nova
departs White Light for the Timeon system.
The CDCSS Nighwind arrives at Triad and
is taken into the CDC shipyards there for repairs and inspections.
Its shakedown
cruise completed, the first saurian Ark ship begins to load supplies and
colonists for their exodus from the Saurian system. They don’t know where they will end up but
prepare to flee the nearly inevitable annihilation at the hands of the
The Zik-Kit (Kizk’-Kar),
Kawdl-Kit (K’tsa-Kar), and Ken’zah-Kit (K’aken-Kar) Defense Alliance (ZKKDA)
places an order for an assault scout at the Inner Reach (Fromeltar) starship
construction center to begin building up a militia for the K’aken-Kar system.
After weeks of
planning and deliberations, Spacefleet initially uses its increased budget to
commission two new battleships to be the basis of new Strike Forces. One is
to be built at Gran Quivera (Prenglar) while the other is to be built at
Triad (Cassidine)
Pale starship construction center
repairs continue and capacity reaches 70% of its original value.
Another destroyer
is completed at the sathar starship construction center in the Liberty
The first of the pirate ships seized in
a recent raid (an assault scout) completes its refit and begins service in
the Pale militia.
The Council of
Worlds finally addresses the petition regarding signals emanating from a
system beyond Hargurt (Gruna Garu) in the Vast Expanse. After listening to
the evidence and hearing testimony, the Council creates a “Beyond the
Frontier” subcommittee to analyze the data and present a plan for
Inbound to Minotaur Station (Minotaur,
Theseus), the TTSS Destiny reports a sighting of an unidentified vessel that
carried Spacefleet markings and transponder codes but did not respond to
hails. The vessel matched the one
reported in the Gruna Garu system.
Strike Force Nova
arrives at Lossend (Timeon). It will
remain in system for 6 days.
The CDCSS Nightwind completes its refit
and inspection. It joins the CDC fleet
as a regular freight hauler. CDC
commissions the next ship in the series, the CDCSS Mystic, designed more as a
passenger liner rather than a freighter. The new model’s profile is identical
to the Nightwind’s but swaps out the cargo bays for modular passenger decks.
The Spire Dragons
continue to make progress finding a location approximately halfway up Mt.
Spire to establish a second advanced camp.
Two team members were lost in the ascent to this forward camp. The next three weeks are spend hauling
supplies up to this second camp and resting at the lower one.
Construction of the Spacefleet
battleship at the Pan Galactic starship construction center orbiting Gran
Quivera (Prenglar) begins.
Construction of
the Spacefleet battleship at the Cassidine Development Corporation starship construction
center orbiting Triad (Cassidine) begins.
The second assault scout seized in the
Star Devil Pirate raid completes its refit and enters service in the Pale
militia. With the frigate and other
ships reaching completion as well, the militia mounts a recruitment drive to
increase its ranks.
Here’s the next installment of the detailed Frontier timeline. I realized that I left off the last day of the previous post so it is included here. The events of the Sundown on Starmist module reach their conclusion and the Council of Worlds start to take the sathar threat seriously.
Date (FY)
After several days of probing, the saurian Battle Rays begin their return to the Sauria system.
Initial repairs
begun on the Pale (Truane’s Star) starship construction center. Capacity is increased to 60% of its
original value.
After nearly a month of meetings on
Volturnus (Zebulon), the Council of Worlds declares the planet to hold protectorate
status but not full membership. It is
deemed that the Eorna population is too small while the other races are not
advanced enough for full membership.
The VSS Last Legs
arrives at Starmist. Maximillian and
the scouting party make contact with the planet’s natives. (SF3)
Patrol Group Wisdom arrives in the
Gruna Garu system and begins investigating the sighting of the unidentified
vessel with Spacefleet markings.
Malligigg is captured and taken prisoner by the priests of the Heliope
village. (SF3)
– Sathar robots, shaped like Heliopes, attack the Heliope village causing destruction of many of the buildings. The village temple is partially burned, revealing an alien war tank concealed inside. (SF3)
– SF Nova arrives in the K’sta-Kar system and will remain in system for 12 days.
– While Maximillian and the scouting party are examining the war tank, sathar robots attack the village again. Driving the robots off, they follow them in the tank. (SF3)
– The sathar starship construction center in the Liberty system completes another destroyer.
The retreating robots lead the scouting
party to a sathar base. Infiltrating
the base, they discover it is mostly abandoned and defeat the remaining
sathar and agents in place. However,
the base is destroyed by an automated self-destruct system. (SF3)
Saurian Battle
Rays arrive back in the Sauria system from scouting the Tischen and Dayzer
The alien war tank on Sundown
(Starmist) begins behaving erratically and alarms and lights begin to flash.
30 minutes later it self-destructs in a small nuclear explosion. (SF3)
Maximillian and
survivors of the scouting party leave Sundown (Starmist) to return to
K’sta-Kar on the VSS Last Legs. (SF3)
The TTSS Destiny arrives back in
Prenglar after touring the western half of the Frontier, visiting Truane’s
Star, Dixon’s Star, and all the yazirian systems (Gruna Garu, Araks, Scree
Fron, & Athor). Replenishing
supplies, it prepares to continue its Grand Tour.
CDCSS Nightwind
turns up in the White Light system under the name TSS Star’s Gift. CDC immediately dispatches a team to
recover the ship. (AR)
Having completed its shakedown cruise,
the UPFS Nexus begins a high speed run to join up with Strike Force Nova.
Fortress Kdikitt
(Madderly’s Star) reaches the 80% completion mark. Behind schedule and due to the increased
sathar activity in the Frontier, the UPF places a priority on operational
security and getting the fortress completed.
After months of work, a petition with
over 100,000 names is submitted to the Council of Worlds demanding investigation
of signals detected from Hargurt in a system just beyond the Frontier in the
direction of the Vast Expanse. In the
intervening months, signals have been detected multiple times from the
Second Volturnus
Expedition members testify before the Council of Worlds about events on
Volturnus (Zebulon) leading to the Battle of Volkos.
– The first of a new class of sathar vessels, the cutter, functionally modeled on the assault scout, is completed at the sathar starship construction center near Zebulon.
– SF Nova departs K’sta-Kar for the White Light System
After months of
deliberation, the Council of Worlds votes to increase Spacefleet spending by
10% allowing for the commissioning of several new vessels.
After many days of debate, the decision
is made to abandon the Tischen and Dayzer systems in face of the sathar
forces there and focus all efforts on defending Sauria and completing the Ark
program (FE004).
The TTSS Destiny
departs Gran Quivera (Prenglar) for the Timeon system to continue its Grand
Tour of the Frontier. Over 100
passengers have been on the ship for the entire tour and intend to visit
every system.
CDC team arrives in the White Light
System from the Theseus system to attempt to reclaim the CDCSS Nightwind
Assault scout
completed at the Gran Quivera (Prenglar) starship construction center to
replace the UPF vessel lost at the Battle of Zebulon
After over a month of struggle through
the jungles, the Spire Dragons reach the foothills of Mount Spire and
establish a base camp. Several members
of the expedition have perished along the way and people question the wisdom
of their approach.
A new assault
scout is completed at the Pale starship construction center to replace the
militia vessel lost at the Battle of Zebulon
UPFS Nexus arrives at Clarion (White
Light) to await the arrival of SF Nova and spends the day training with the
White Light Militia.
SF Nova arrives
at Clarion in the White Light system and is joined by UPFS Nexus. It will remain in system for 19 days.
After sneaking onboard just before the
ship departs, the CDCSS Nightwind is recaptured by the CDC operatives and the
former employees responsible for assisting in its disappearance are
captured. The ship begins its way back
to corporate headquarters.
After a long and
detailed search of the Gruna Garu system by Patrol Group Wisdom, no evidence
is found of the mysterious vessel. The
patrol group departs the system to return to Prenglar.
Attempt is made (but fails)
to sabotage Gollwin Academy.
Here is the next set of entries in the detailed Frontier timeline. This month includes the beginning of the events in the Sundown on Starmist module, the beginning of the final campaign of the sathar against the saurians in the their corner of space, as well as the commencement of hostilities by sathar agents against military targets throughout the Frontier.
Date (FY)
Waiting for decisions from the Council of Worlds and Spacefleet, PGC dispatches several vessels from Gran Quivera (Prenglar) to Dixon’s Star to serve as a corporate militia in the system.
SCC#3, near Kizk-Kar, completes production of a frigate.
The small raid (1 LC, 2DD)
launched by Clan Z arrives in Kizk-Kar system. With SF Nova in system, the
UPF ships soundly defeat the sathar ships in the first official battle of
what will come to be called the Second Sathar War. SF Nova extends its stay in the system for
an extra 7 days.
of Worlds envoys arrive at Volturnus (Zebulon) to meet with leaders of the
various native races.
* In wake of the recent sathar attack and activity, the Zik-Kit (Kizk’-Kar) government joins the trade and defense alliance with Kawdl-Kit (K’tsa-Kar) and Ken’zah-Kit (K’aken-Kar)
* News of the failed raid on Kisk-Kar reaches sathar space. The premature action and its failure curries disfavor and Clan Z falls out of favor, losing any chance to leading the attack on the Frontier.
examination of the Eorna eggs has determined that they are, in fact, viable.
Eorna on Volturnus (Zebulon) celebrate and declare the day of discovery to be
known as the Day of Life to be remembered just as the Day of Doom.
Members of the Second Volturnus
Expedition depart Volturnus to return to Pale.
Sathar SCC in the
Liberty system completes construction of half a dozen fighters.
Rim Coalition delegation arrives at
Gran Quivera (Prenglar).
Sathar vessels
from the Liberty system arrive at the staging area to await assignments.
Rim delegation begins meeting with the
Council of Worlds to discuss the sathar situation and the mutual defense of
the Frontier and Rim.
* Supplies intended for Fortress Kdikit in Madderly’s Star are stolen/destroyed by pirates while in route to the construction site.
* SF Nova departs Kisk-Kar for the K’aken-Kar system.
After several space
battles, sathar forces overcome the saurian defenses in the Dayzer system and bombard New Kischen (FE004) obliterating
the saurian settlements on the planet.
The first of
Spacefleet’s Talnor-D (FE004) communication ships, the UPFS Nexus, emerges
from the shipyard at Gran Quivera (Prenglar).
It begins a 30-day shakedown cruise with Task Force Prenglar.
Sathar forces in the
Tischen system finally overcome the saurian defense forces and launch a
planetary bombardment of Kzz-ten (FE004) destroying the settlements on that
planet. The defense of both the
Tischen and Dayzer systems have put a serious dent in the sathar resources
for the campaign, buying the saurians some time to bolster Sauria’s (FE004)
defenses and work to complete the Great Ark project.
Second Volturnus
Expedition members arrive back at Pale to a hero’s welcome and receive
recognition for their work in repelling the sathar attacks in that system.
* Sathar agents in the Frontier begin stepping up activities, especially focused on military and technological sabotage.
* An anti-Streel group, funded by sathar agents, strike at the Streel SCC around Pale, reducing capacity by 63% while repairs are made. Several ships under construction are damaged but the militia Assault Scout miraculously escapes unscathed.
Two small flights
of three Saurian Battle Rays (FE004) each are dispatched to investigate the
state of the Tischen and Dayzer systems and determine the strength of sathar
CEO of Streel, Hilo Headrow (ZG) signs
deal with his friend from the Great Sathar War, Esper Henshaw (ZG), CEO of
MerCo, for MerCo to supply several teams to increase the security at the
Streel starship construction center orbiting Pale (Truane’s Star) while
Streel investigates the source of the recent attack.
SF Nova arrives
in the K’aken-Kar system and will remain in system for 8 days.
Initial damage assessment of the Pale
(Truane’s Star) starship construction center reveals that the damage was not
as extensive as originally thought. Materials and equipment shuttled up from
the surface quickly bring production capacity back to 58%. Work begins to
restore full capacity.
A mountaineering
survival team, calling themselves the Spire Dragons, begin their attempt to
traverse coast to summit and climb Mt. Spire (Lossend, Timeon) (ZG)
completely on foot. The team consists
of members of all seven Frontier and Rim species with the goal that a member
of each species will reach the top of the Frontier’s highest peak.
Medical Services
Organization issues another alert about the drug Ixiol, stating that the use
of the drug on Triad (Cassidine) has reached dangerous levels and is impacting
work and economic activity on the planet.
They call for the Council of Worlds and Star Law to investigate the
production and trade of the drug.
* An independent freighter in the Gruna Garu system claims sighting of an unknown vessel, roughly the size of a light cruiser bearing UPF markings but not matching any known UPF vessel type.
* Spacefleet dismisses the sighting as inaccurate claiming no vessel of that type in its inventory and dispatch a small patrol group (a frigate and 2 assault scouts) from Prenglar to investigate.
* Maximillian Malligigg takes possession of the VSS Last Legs, a small freighter, and with a small crew and scouting party leaves for Starmist. (SF3)
* Sathar reinforcements arrive in the Tischen system.
Members of the
Second Volturnus Expedition summoned to the Council of Worlds to testify of
events on Volturnus (Zebulon) leading to the Battle of Volkos
* Sathar reinforcements arrive in the Dayzer system.
* Saurian scout ships arrive in the Tischen and Dayzer systems and begin to probe the systems while avoiding sathar forces.
SF Nova departs
K’aken-Kar for the K’tsa-Kar system.
After months of
fundraising, a new organization, The Yazira Heritage Foundation, purchases
and begins refitting a small vessel to use as an exploration ship. Their goal is to reach the star that rumors
claim is Yazira.
Sathar launch a
probing raid into the Sauria system to test saurian defenses. The two-destroyer task force is quickly
destroyed by a wing of saurian Battle Rays.
Here is the complete, cumulative timeline as a PDF:
Here is the next installment in the detailed Frontier timeline. This month’s entries include the posts that prompted the “How to build a star system” posts earlier in the month. The sathar are beginning to ramp up their forces while the Frontier is still debating what to do about the “Sathar Situation” on Volturnus.
Date (FY)
Envoy delegation from the Council of Worlds is dispatched from Gran Quivera (Prenglar) to go to Volturnus (Zebulon) to meet with the races of that world.
The KSS Trader’s
Gambit arrives at Kawdl-Kit (K’tsa-Kar).
Maximillian Malligigg has a piece of
fused metal he found on Starmist analyzed and learns it is the result of
nuclear fusion. He begins securing
funds to purchase a ship and return to Starmist in advance of an official
expedition. (SF3)
Members of the
Second Volturnus Expedition raid a small outpost discovered in the logs of
Slave City One that was a hideout for the Star Devil. While the Star Devil was not there,
valuable information about the Star Devil’s dealings in the Frontier are
Worried about the events in the Zebulon
system, the Rim Coalition increases spending for the Flight by 50%. Delegation dispatched to the Council of
Worlds from Faire (Capella) to encourage that the Frontier take the Sathar
threat seriously.
– The remnants of the sathar’s Zebulon fleet reaches sathar space arriving at the system containing sathar starship construction center #5
– Another destroyer is completed at the sathar starship construction center in the Liberty system.
Contestants, spectators, and reporters
gather on Hum (Fochrik) for the annual Humma Jump Competition. Speculation is high that the current record
in the standing long jump event of 38.272 meters will be surpassed this year.
Households unveils its new fashion line at its annual show on Hakosoar (Scree
Fron) which is transmitted via subspace radio to all systems in the
Frontier. Products immediately go on
sale across the Frontier as competitors race to match the new style.
After two days of competition, Zonuul
Usu of Larg (Fochrik) wins the Humma Jump Competition with a jump of 38.275m,
beating the previous species record by 3 millimeters. Two others beat the previous record in the
final round of competition but lost to Zonuul.
Nova arrives in Fromeltar system; it will be in system for 4 days
Initial examinations reveal that the
Eorna egg cache does in fact contain viable eggs. While overjoyed that they
no longer face extinction as a species, concerns about the societal impact of
introducing the new Eorna are raised. (SF2)
Corporation announces a new brand of sports drink that provides the necessary
electrolytes for all Frontier and Rim races.
Included in the line is a “Hyper Humma” variation with 10x
the flavor enhancers to appeal to their deadened sense of taste. It quickly
becomes a point of bravado for members of the other race to attempt to
consume the “Hyper Humma” variations.
Interplanetary Industries CEO Harlon
Thow spotted wearing a never before seen style of toxy-rad gauge that is
slimmer and more compact than previous styles. Rumors circulate that it is a new device
soon to be released by the company.
In its first 60
days of operation, the Yazira Dome has had over 1 million visitors, mostly
inhabitants of Hentz (Araks). Many across the Frontier denounce the Family of
One for not allowing non-yazirian visitors to the planet and the Dome.
Sathar vessels are dispatched from the
Liberty system toward a staging area somewhere near the Frontier.
Sathar Clan Z
vessels, previously in route to sathar starship construction center #3 are
diverted by clan leaders toward Kizk-Kar.
Sathar forces, operating in Saurian(DM103) space, launch simultaneous assaults against saurian forces in the Tischen (FE004) and Dayzer (FE004) systems.
Several Streel
compounds on Laco (Dixon’s Star) are captured by Galactic Task Force teams
and Streel employees are forced to evacuate and return to the Streel
headquarter compound in Tyrell’s Landing.
SF Nova departs Fromeltar
for Kizk-Kar
The Rim
delegation arrives on Pale (Truane’s Star) for a short stopover to meet with
the Pale government about the sathar situation.
Another destroyer is
completed in the SCC in the Liberty system.
Pale militia
delegation testifies before the Council of Worlds on Gran Quivera (Prenglar)
as to the events of the Battles of Zebulon and Volturnus. Debate and deliberation on the need for
increased military buildup continues.
Rim Coalition delegation departs Pale
(Truane’s Star) to continue on to Gran Quivera (Prenglar) to meet with The
Council of Worlds
Based on
information obtained from the Star Devil lair on Volturnus (Zebulon), the
Pale government raids and seizes assets from several business connected with
the Star Devil pirate organization.
SF Nova arrives in
Kizk-Kar. Will be in-system for 8 days
PGC vessels, just arriving in the Dixon’s Star system en route to Laco are
destroyed by unknown vessels.
PGC representatives appear
before the Council of Worlds requesting Spacefleet aid to protect their
vessels in the Dixon’s Star system from suspected Streel aggression.
the rumors correct, Interplanetary Industries announces a new line of
wearable monitoring devices including a new toxy-rad gauge matching the one
spotted on CEO Harlon Thow several days earlier. The new line boasts extended battery life
and greater accuracy in a smaller package.
In a couple of my timeline posts at the end of last week, I mentioned an annual competition on Hum in the Fochrik system, the homeworld of the Humma race in Star Frontiers. The tweets were as follows:
FY60.032 – Contestants, spectators, and reporters gather on Hum (Fochrik) for the annual Humma Jump Competition. Speculation is high that the current record in the standing long jump event of 38.272 meters will be surpassed this year. #SFTimeline
FY60.034 – After two days of competition, Zonuul Usu of Larg (Fochrik) wins the Humma Jump Competition jumping 38.275m, beating the previous species record by 3 millimeters. Two others beat the previous record in the final round of competition but lost to Zonuul. #SFTimeline
This immediately got me thinking about how the Hum calendar interacts with the Galactic Standard calendar of the Frontier and if the Rim had a different standard calendar.
Since in my Clarion calendar system post, I mentioned that I would probably do more calendar systems for other planets and in my last State of the Frontier post I said I would write about creating a system map, I thought I’d roll all of these thoughts and ideas into a series of “how to” posts as I flesh out the Fochrik system.
I’m planning on dividing this into three parts. In this first article, I’ll be talking about generating the astrophysical description of the system. We’ll go over what we know from published material, adding a bit to that, refining the details, and trying to generate a stable star system.
In the next post, I’ll actually walk you through the process of creating a system map for Fochrik like I did for the Duergan’s Star system.
In the third post, I’ll generate a calendar for the Fochrick system. I don’t know yet if all three planets will have a unique calendar or if Larg and Forge will base their calendar off of Hum’s. We’ll see when we get there. I’m not planning to address a standard Rim calendar at this time as I need to look over the other Rim systems first. That may be a future post.
Anyway, let’s get started.
What We Know
Let’s start with what we know from published materials, both original with TSR and material from the fan magazines. There isn’t much, but let’s assemble what we have.
The Rim was introduced in TSR’s Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space, vol 1 as the area of space that the three new races introduced came from. It was specifically left vague in the supplement. Whether they intended to flesh it out more in later volumes that never were published we’ll never know. On page 50, in the “Planets of the Frontier” table we have the following entry for Fochrik:
For this series of posts, we’re interested in the stellar spectral type (F9), the number of known planets (three in this case) and their rotational period (the Day column which is given in hours). Also, the number of moons might be used in making the system map and we should probably consider them in making the calendars as well. The other information is not needed for this endeavor.
Beyond that, there is little said about the system in Zeb’s Guide. The worlds of the Frontier have little blurbs with interesting facts about each of them but there is nothing on any of the Rim worlds. We’re basically left with a blank slate.
In a Star Frontiersman article (issue 15), entitled Humma Hop Back, TheWebtroll talked about the race but gave no information on the star system. Tom Verrault did a little bit of work on the Humma in issue 13 of the Frontier Explorer were he fleshed out their racial description some more but again nothing was really mentioned about their star system. However in another article in that same issue, where he adds detail to the boon’sheh, a fan created race from the early Star Frontiersman issues, he places them with the humma in the Fochrik system with the humma forcibly relocating the boon’sheh to Larg from their mutual homeworld of Hum. But that’s all we have.
In the end, we just have the table entry for the system to work with. Which tells us we have three habitable planets, some moons, and their approximate rotation periods. We get to create everything else so let’s dive in.
We start with the star. It is given a spectral type of F9. That makes it a little more massive and brighter than the sun but not by much. I like to use the table on this page for my starting point of stellar masses and radii as it has broken the data down in to details for each spectral classification. Plus the author has gone through, and based on the spectral energy distribution, given you the RGB colors for the star. I’m a little leery of the radius data on that page but we won’t be using that in this analysis.
From that page we get a mass of the F9 star for 1.1 solar masses. Looking at the adjacent spectral types, F9 and G0, they have listed masses of 1.2 and 1.1 respectively so that gives us a range to work with and tells us that the F9 star is probably a bit heavier than 1.1 solar masses but within rounding errors. Plus there is scatter based on other factors as well so we have some room to wiggle about. Let’s do some quick calculations.
The mass of the sun is 1.989 × 1030 kg. so we have a range of 1.1 to 1.2 times that to work with or from 2.1879 × 1030 to 2.3868 × 1030 kg. Like I did for White Light, I want a few more decimal places so I’m going to roll some dice for the digits. I’ll keep the 2 before the decimal place, roll a d4 for the first digit, and then d10s for everything else. That will possibly let me go slightly outside the range but that’s fine. Here’s what we get:
I ended up rolling a d8 and dividing by 2 just so it was easier to see in the picture. I just rolled the dice and then went left to right as they fell on my desk to pick the order.
So we end up with a stellar mass of 2.21766549 × 1030 kg which probably has more decimal places than we need but that’s fine.
Size of the Habitable Zone
The next thing we need to know is the range of the habitable zone for an F9 star. We’ve got to squeeze three planets into that area. We don’t need to be exact, but we want some reference. For this Wikipedia has a good article on the habitable zone that you can read to determine the various factors that go into determining it. There is also a really great picture (reproduced here) that almost gives us what we need.
The only real problem with this image is that the x-axis is in relative flux on the planet rather than distance. But I can work with that to get values for Fochrik.
We start by getting the percentages for the edges of the habitable zones. This is done by drawing a line across at the temperature of Fochrik (6140 K) and then drawing lines down from those to the x axis like this (the blue lines)
This gives us a range of 178% to 34% for the optimistic habitable zone and a range of 115% to 36% for the conservative one. Now we just need to turn those into distances.
The amount of starlight on the planet is dependent on three things. The first is the temperature of the star (which we’re taking to be 6140K. We could figure it out exactly based on the mass but that is a close enough approximation). The second is the radius of the star. These two give us the total luminosity of the star, L, which is proportional to R2T4. The final bit, which we are trying to solve for, is the distance from the star. The amount of starlight received at a planet, F (flux), is proportional to the luminosity of the star divided by the distance squared, i.e. F~L/D2.
Combining those gives us that the amount of starlight at a planet, F, is proportional to R2T4 / D2. or D ~ sqrt(R2T4 / F). If we work in ratios to the solar temperature, solar radius, measure distances in AU (the distance from the earth to the sun), and enter fluxes as multiples of the flux at the earth (i.e. flux at earth =1, 200% = 2, 50% = 0.5, etc), everything works out.
For this exercise, we’re going to assume the radius of the star is the same as the sun. In reality, it’s probably a little bit larger but we’re not going to worry about that. So we can drop the R2 term. The ratio of the temperatures is just 6140/5780 = 1.062283737. That raised to the 4th power is 1.273392. Plugging in those number gives the following distances for the four flux percentages:
178% = 0.8458 AU (inner edge of optimistic habitable zone)
115% = 1.0523 AU (inner edge of conservative habitable zone)
36% = 1.8807 AU (outer edge of conservative habitable zone)
34% = 1.9353 AU (outer edge of optimistic habitable zone)
Those numbers seem about right. The star is brighter and hotter than the Sun so it makes sense that the habitable zone is a little further out than in the solar system.
Placing the Planets
Now that we know where the habitable zone is, we need to place the planets and add other details to the system. We start with the three known planets, Forge, Hum, and Larg.
The Habitable Worlds
Each of these planets is habitable, with fairly large populations. As such, they need to be at least somewhere within the habitable zone. Also, since they are relatively low gravity worlds, around 1g, they should probably be close to or in the conservative habitable zone as the optimistic one is more for “super earths” which these are not.
Forge is the innermost world of the three and the name itself implies that it’s a hot world. I’m going to place it just inside the conservative zone. It’s livable, but its a bit on the warm side. We’ll place it at 1.08 AU from Fochrik.
Hum is the humma homeworld. As such we’d expect it to have a relatively nice, comfortable climate. If we go back to the flux calculation from above and find the distance for 100% we get a distance of 1.13 AU. That’s a little too close to the 1.08 AU I picked for Forge so I’m going to move it out just a bit further than that and place it at 1.23 AU. It will be a bit cooler than Earth receiving only 84% the amount of starlight.
Finally, we have Larg. This has the smallest population, medium instead of heavy, so I’m taking that to mean that it probably has a less hospitable climate (in addition to the higher gravity). Plus, if we’re using the fan material from the Frontier Explorer, it’s where the humma deported the boon’sheh to. We’ll place this one out towards the outer edge of the conservative habitable zone at 1.61 AU.
Now that our habitable planets have been placed we need to fill the rest of the system. There are a number of ways you could do this. I have a really old program called StarGen that makes solar systems around F, G, & K type stars based on habitability ideas presented in a paper by the Rand corporation. It works pretty well but doesn’t take into account modern information as that paper is from the 60’s or 70’s if I remember correctly.
You could also use the star system creation system presented in the FrontierSpace Referee’s handbook. It’s a good system as well. However, for this system I’m just going to be arbitrary. I’ll roll some dice for distances but beyond that, I’m just going to pick what I want in the system.
The Inner Worlds
Let’s start close. What is inside the habitable planets? I’m going to place two small worlds in there. They are small, hot, and airless. They probably have mineable mineral resources but they are not very hospitable. We’ll place these worlds at .19 AU and 0.52 AU from Fochrick. To get those distances I simply rolled 4d10 and 9d10 respectively and divided the number by 100 to get the AU.
The Outer Worlds
Next let’s move out from the inner system and see what’s out in the outer reaches. We’re going to add in 6 more worlds outside the habitable zone. For now, I’m not planning on having an asteroid belt but that may change when we do some sanity checks below. We’re going to add the following planets to the system:
The truth is, it probably doesn’t matter how you generate the planets, their types and masses, and their distances. As long as you don’t repeat the same patterns over and over. The universe is vast and as modern exoplanet discoveries have shown, you can get all kinds of crazy systems. As a general rule, I allow anything to happen. Once. The more off the wall the idea is, the less likely I am to allow it to enter the setting twice but anything is possible once.
Jovian – 4.66 AU
Jovian – 10.59 AU
Ice dwarf – 16.58 AU
Ice giant – 18.13 AU
Ice dwarf – 20.53 AU
Ice giant – 26.01 AU
In each of these cases, to get the distance I created a number between 1 and 6.99 by rolling a d6 and two d10s. The d6 was the integer bit and the two d10s were the decimal bit. I then added that number on to the orbital distance of the previous planet. Like I said, this was going to be pretty arbitrary. Let’s keep going.
Orbital Periods
Now that the planets are all placed, we want to compute their orbital periods to know how long the length of their orbit is. While we don’t need this to create the map of the system. We want to do some sanity checks since the planetary placements were fairly arbitrary.
Orbital periods are given by Newton’s form of Kepler’s Third Law of Planetary motion, namely:
which I described in the Clarion Calendar post but P is the orbital period, a is the distance from the star, G is the gravitational constant, and M1 and M2 are the mass of the star and planet respectively. Since M1 >> M2, we’ll ignore M2 in our calculations.
You could do this by hand, or use a spreadsheet, or use an on-line calculator. I’m going to use this handy website that allows you to enter the values in a number of different units and does the math for you. I’m just going to leave the mass of the planet at 1 earth mass in the calculation. If I was going for full detail, I’d figure out the mass of each of the planets but this is really just an approximate sanity check. For example, if I set the mass of the first Jovian planet to 100 earth masses, it would lengthen the orbital period by only 10 hours, so it’s not something I’m going to worry about here.
Plugging in the values for the planetary orbital distance and the mass of the star we get the following data:
Orbital Distance (AU)
Orbital Period (hours)
Planetary Names
I should really come up with names for the other planets but since this is the humma homeworld, the names should tie into their history and culture and I haven’t really thought too much about that yet. I’ll leave naming for a future post or as an exercise for the reader.
Mainly here I’m just looking to see that we don’t have any resonant periods with the two Jovian planets. With orbital periods in ratios such as 2:1, 3:2, & 3:1 we would have potential stability issues. My only concern is with the second jovian and the first ice dwarf. They are in a nearly 2:1 orbital resonance but that might actually be okay and why that planet is where it is. So I’m going to leave it alone. If I really wanted to check system stability, I’d generate the masses, starting positions and velocities, and then enter all of that into a simple n-body computer simulation and run it for a million years or so of simulated time to make sure nothing went crazy but I think this will be fine.
Planetary Sizes
Okay, while this isn’t strictly necessary to draw the system map, we might as well figure out how big each of the planets are (and their surface gravity. When I do the system map, I like to have both the distances to scale and the sizes of the planets to scale so if I want to do that, I need the sizes.
The equation we’ll be using for this is
where g is the acceleration due to gravity (m/s2), M is the mass of the planet (kg), r is the radius of the planet (m), and G is just the gravitational constant (6.67408 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2). Additionally we’ll want an equation relating the mass of the planet to its density which is just the volume of the sphere times the density or
where ρ is the density (kg/m3). While we could do this just with the mass, I like to make sure the physics work out for the type of planet so I like the densities to make sense and prefer to include it in the calculations. Combining those two equations gives us an equation that relates the gravity, the radius, and the density:
This is what we’ll be using to get the data we need.
As part of this we’ll need densities for the planets. We’ll just be picking those from reasonable ranges which are the following (in g/cm3):
Terrestrial (rocky) Planets – 3.5 – 5.7
Ice Dwarfs – 1.8 – 2.5
Ice Giants – 1.2 – 1.8
Jovians – 0.6 – 1.4+
To get it into the units we need (kg/m3 ) we just multiply by 1000. The Jovian planets may not have an upper density limit because once you get to be the size of Jupiter, adding more mass doesn’t change the radius much, it just increases the densities. Brown Dwarfs, which are 10-80 times Jupiter’s mass are still all about the same size.
We’ll use these density ranges to pick densities for the individual planets in the sections below.
The Habitable Planets
First up are the three habitable planets that we know the gravity on. In this case we need to rearrange the last equation to solve for r giving us:
A Note on Gravity
For Star Frontiers, I’ve adopted the conventions that 1g = 10 m/s2 rather than 9.8 m/s2 as on Earth. It makes all the math in the end easier and there isn’t much difference. I figure that if you have all the races coming from different worlds, it would make sense that they standardized on a round number instead of some arbitrary fraction.
All that’s left is to pick a density or each of the planets and start computing. Well, almost. I also want one more decimal place for the actual gravity of the planet. To get that I’ll roll d8-4 x 0.01 and add that to listed gravity to give me some variation that would round to the listed value.
The table below is what we ended up with. Interestingly, all the gravity adjustments I rolled were positive. I also selected the planets with the higher gravity to be a little more dense but modulated that somewhat due to the fact that planets that form closer to the star would have higher density as well. Thus the densities of these three planets are pretty close together.
Gravity (g)
Density (gm/cm3)
Mass (Earth)
Radius (km)
Hum turns out to be almost exactly the same size and mass as Venus, just a little further out in the system so it’s not as hot. Forge is smaller still by about 10% in radius and 75% in mass while Larg is about 13% larger in radius than the earth and almost 50% more massive.
Other Planets
Now lets due the rest of the planets in the system. In this case we have to pick two of the three values: radius, density (or mass), and surface gravity. I’m going to select the radius and density for each of these planets and then compute the mass and surface gravity. Surface gravity doesn’t exactly make sense for the giant planets (jovians and ice giants) but it is the gravity present if you were stopped at that radius at it’s upper atmosphere. Here’s the table:
Gravity (g)
Density (gm/cm3)
Mass (Earth)
Radius (km)
J1 is almost two times the mass of Jupiter while IG2 is a little smaller than Pluto. If you want to compare them exactly this Planetary Fact Sheet page gives the data for all the planets in the solar system.
Wrapping up for now
And that’s it for this entry. We have the number of planets in the system, mass data on the star, and orbital and size data on the planets. I’m fairly confident that we don’t have to worry about system stability issues (of course since I didn’t do a rigorous check, this will be the one time it doesn’t work 🙂 ).
In the next post, we’ll create a system map for Fochrik and walk through the process of doing so. If you have any questions or comments, let me know below.
Here’s the next installment of the timeline. This section include the events that will be considered the first battles of the Second Sathar War, namely the Battles of Volkos and Zebulon between ground and spaces forces of the UPF and the sathar at Volturnus in the Zebulon system.
After posting the last installment, I was asked if it would be possible to provide references to the sources I’m using to create the entries. I realized that would be a good idea so I’ve started adding reference notes to all the entries that come from other sources other than me just making them up for the timeline. I also wrote a short introduction to the timeline that explains the references that I’ve reproduced below.
I’ve gone back an annotated all the previous entries in the downloadable timeline document and where a reference occurs in the blog post, I’ve included the key for those references at the end of the post.
The following timeline represents the events of the Second
Sathar War as I designed them to act as a backdrop to various campaigns I am
running. I have a different timeline
that runs the PCs though all the game modules in an appropriate order to
progress their skill level but that is not this one. This is somewhat of a more fiction-oriented
timeline rather than on specifically designed to run PCs through.
One major aspect of this time line is that I’m using the
Knight Hawks rules for interstellar travel, namely that it effectively takes 9
day to make an interstellar jump between systems (ignoring astrogation
calculation times). I also make the
assumption that if you’re not stopping in a system, you only have to spend as
much time in that system as the astrogation calculations take as you stay near
jump speed during your transit. If you
assume 1 day per light year per the original Alpha Dawn rules, it would change
the timing of many of these events, possibly significantly.
If you’re familiar with the timeline in the Zebulon’s Guide
to Frontier Space, you’ll quickly notice that I don’t follow that much at
all. I pull some of the names and ideas
but the timing and actual events follow my own muse. Additionally, regardless of the source of the
events, the exact dates are all of my creation.
In the events that follow, I’ve tried to annotate the source
for names, dates, and events if they come from any of the material originally
published by TSR. Although I’m not going
to annotate the system, planet, and common megacorp names as I assume those are
common knowledge. I will also try to
annotate any material coming from the Star Frontiersman and Frontier Explorer
Fanzines. If you notice that I missed
anything, let me know so I can fix it.
Annotations that appear at the end of an entry refer to the entire entry. If it appears in the middle, it applies just to the name that the annotation follows. Each time an annotation first appears, there will be a footnote describing it. I’ve also added an Appendix listing all the annotation codes. If no particular annotation is associated with an entry you may assume I made the entry up out of whole cloth or extrapolated it from other events specifically for this timeline.
As always, the data presented in this blog post cover only the new dates but the downloadable document at the end is cumulative over all the timeline posts up to this point.
Date (FY)
Subspace signal received at Laco from unknown location in Sathar space. Images appear in the great pyramid showing a similar complex on a warm, swampy world with a large number of sathar and a bipedal insect race (Zuraqqor) working around the complex.
Despite efforts to keep the images contained,
news and clips of the images race across the Frontier on the subspace
network. Scientists, politicians, and
the general populous speculate as to the cause and meaning.
new group, calling themselves the Anti-Satharian League (ZG), stage
demonstrations on the major population centers of the Frontier and at the
Council of Worlds, broadcasting excerpts from the Laco pyramid images and
demanding increased military buildup for Spacefleet.
Completing its time in the
Cassidine system, SF Nova departs Triad for the Dramune system to spend some
time cooling rising tensions between Inner and Outer Reach.
A CDC scout ship, the Twilight Moon, returns from charting a jump route to the Rhianna system. Due to preliminary geological findings, CDC decides to keep the route a secret and establish a mining outpost on the planet Alcazzar. (SF4)
Most businesses across the Frontier close a day
early in anticipation of the big Founding Day celebrations tomorrow, allowing
citizens and organizations some extra time to prepare.
– UPF Founding Day celebrations occur on most planets across the Frontier to celebrate 6 decades of peace. However, there is a subtle undercurrent of concern due to the recent events on Laco.
– The first new sathar ship that will be committed to the coming conflict, a destroyer, emerges from Sathar Starship Construction Center (SSCC) #2, located in the as of yet unexplored (and unnamed) Liberty system.
– In wake of the Founding Day celebrations, the Frontier Peace Organization hold a rally outside the Council of Worlds headquarters demanding a reduction in Spacefleet and Landfleet operations. Some small altercations occur with members of the Anti-Satharian League.
– Observance Day on Clarion (White Light) commemorates all who have fallen defending the system through history. This year it also continues the UPF Founding Day celebration on the planet for an extra day.
PG Virgo, together with the Pale militia (a frigate and 3 assault scouts),
depart for the Zebulon system. Streel additionally sends a frigate, 4
corvettes, and 3 assault scouts to assist.
Council of Worlds reconvenes for its 60th
session. Initial topics of debate include events on Laco and Zebulon and
their implications for the future of the Frontier.
breaks out between Frontier Peace Organization and Anti-Satharian League
supporters outside the Council of Worlds headquarters. Local police have to resort to doze and
tangler grenades and stun weapons to break up the fighting. Over 4 dozen beings detained.
Sathar SSCC#4, near Fromeltar and Klaeok,
completes construction of a light cruiser and 4 fighters.
SF Nova arrives in the Dramune System. It will remain in system for 15 days as a
show of force to help quell rising tensions between Inner and Outer Reach
Laco artifacts taken from the PGC
chartered freighter, KSS Dawn’s Glow, anonymously arrive at the Triad
Institute of Technology (TriTech) and are delivered to their originally
intended recipients. (NCW)
The Sathar cleansing fleet arrives in the Zebulon system and begins decelerating towards Volturnus. (SF2)
The UPF fleet arrives in the
Zebulon system and begins decelerating toward Volturnus and the sathar fleet.
A small freighter, the KKSS Trader’s Gambit, misjumps travelling from K’aken-Kar to K’tsa-Kar and ends up in the Sundown system. Damaged engines force the crew to look for a planet to land on to effect repairs. (SF3)
– Battle of Volkos – Sathar ground troops advance on the ruins of the Eorna city of Volkos. A rag-tag army, composed of members of Volturnus’s native races and lead by members of the TSES Second Volturnus Expedition, manage to hold off the invaders. (SF2)
– Battle of Zebulon – UPF forces engage the Sathar fleet around Volturnus. Although the UPF forces are mostly smaller vessels, the sathar are driven off with only a frigate, 2 destroyers, and a heavy cruiser surviving. UPF losses were 1 UPF LC and AS, 1 Streel Corvette, and 1 militia AS (SF2)
of defeat at Zebulon reaches sathar space.
Clan infighting begins around debate of invasion and who should lead
assault. This will continue for
several months. At the same time all
the clans begin building up their military.
– News of victory over sathar forces in the Zebulon system announced across the Frontier to mixed reaction. Performance of the Assault Scout in its first major engagement with sathar forces is deemed a success.
– Pale militia and Spacefleet given priority at the Pale and Gran Quivera starship construction centers to replace vessels lost in the battle at Zebulon.
– The KKSS Trader’s Gambit sets down on the planet Starmist in the Sundown system. (SF3)
– Having effected repairs from the battle with the sathar, the Pale militia and Streel ships depart Volturnus (Zebulon) to return to Pale (Truane’s Star) while the UPF forces remain on patrol.
– The Anti-Satharian League stages demonstrations on Pale, Gran Quivera, Triad, and Clarion demanding increased militarization and growth of Spacefleet
– The navigator and second master of the KKSS Trader’s Gambit, Maximillian Malligigg, makes contact with an intelligent race, the Heliopes, on the planet Starmist (Sundown). (SF3)
(SFKH0) Valentine Leotus, crown princess of Clarion (White Light), celebrates
her 32nd birthday (18.5 earth years)
A listening station in the Kazak system in the
Rim detect faint signals of sathar ships in the outer system. Flight vessels are dispatched to
completed, the KKSS Trader’s Gambit leaves Starmist to attempt to return to
charted Frontier space. (SF3)
The Flight vessels in Kazak arrive at the
location of the sathar signals but find nothing more than a faint indication
that ships had passed through the area days before. Two ships are left on station while the
rest return to base.
begins in earnest on Alcazzar, delaying the start of CDC operations on the
planet. The corporation hopes that this delay will throw off any competitor’s
interest in the mineral rich system. (SF4)
SF Nova departs the Dramune system
for the Fromeltar system
– The KKSS Trader’s Gambit successfully jumps back to the K’tsa-Kar system.
– The Pale militia arrives back home from the Zebulon system.
Scouting through the Zebulon system, a UPF
frigate and assault scout find an ancient vessel in a distant solar orbit.
Investigation reveals it to contain a cache of cryogenically stored Eorna
eggs. If still viable, the eggs will secure the survival of that species.
from the Pale militia are dispatched to testify at the Council of Worlds regarding
events on Volturnus.
Here is the next set of events from the detailed Frontier timeline. This covers the events that will eventually be considered the start of the Second Sathar War, namely the activation of the Glass Pyramid on Laco broadcasting a signal into sathar space as well as the activation of the sathar artifact on Volturnus calling the eventual sathar fleet to the Zebulon system.
The data presented in this blog post cover only the new dates but the downloadable document at the end is cumulative over all the timeline posts up to this point.
Date (FY)
An enclave of sathar, ostensibly survivors from the Great Sathar War, found and eliminated on Pale. Based on intelligence gathered, it is believed that there may still be other enclaves on the planet. Citizens are warned to be alert.
Initial investigation of the “Kraatar
Incident” completed. Those responsible for the severe Vist’Lat actions
shown to be under some sort of cybernetic control by Legrange. Vist’Lat
cleared and restored to Commercial Council.
The Streel interstellar shuttle, SCSS Laco Purveyor, shot down
while landing on Pale. Origin of blast unknown. A skirmish over the downed
shuttle results in over a dozen mercenaries dead but no loss of Streel forces
or the injured shuttle crew.
News from investigations on Pale indicate that
the new breed of Quickdeath was bred by local, long-time exotic creature
supplier and bounty hunter, Trey Mulden, for unknown reasons. Mulden’s
location is currently unknown. If seen, call Star Law immediately.
research institutions and zoos across the Frontier, expecting quickdeath
shipments from Mulden, received multiple examples of the new variety.
Forewarned of potential issues, most were contained but word had not yet
reached Clarion and one handler was severely injured trying to contain the
unexpected extra creatures.
Despite efforts of the Family of One (FoO),
data on the newly discovered brown dwarf is now available. The FoO reaction
to the news fuels speculation that the K4 star is Yazira, the
“lost” yazirian home system.
Cassidine Development Corporation’s new prototype paramilitary freighter, the
CDCSS Nightwind, goes missing on its maiden voyage.
A small freighter, operating under a Streel
charter, is attacked and destroyed in the Dixon’s Star System. Crew escapes in lifeboats and are
rescued. Streel claims attack was by PGC
releases the newest holovid movie in the Hawc, Star Law Ranger franchise.
UPFS Admiral Clinton completes its
refit. As the remaining ships in SF Nova come out of refit over the next two
days, the strike force prepares for another tour of the Frontier.
governments of Kawdl-Kit (K’tsa-Kar) and Ken’zah-Kit (K’aken-Kar) sign a
mutual trade and defense agreement. It
is expected that the Zik-Kit (Kizk’-Kar) government with join the trade
alliance in the near future.
The General Overall Development Corporation
unveils the Yazira Dome on Hentz. This massive, 100 square kilometer habitat
is claimed to enclose a biome identical to that on the lost Yazirian
Strike Force Nova, after completing a long refit in Prenglar,
departs for a tour of the vrusk loop of the Frontier. First stop, Cassidine.
Spacefleet dispatches several ships (1 AC, 8 F,
2 LC, 2 DD, & 2 AS), designated Patrol Group Virgo, from Prenglar to
Dixon’s Star to help put a dampener on rising Streel-PGC hostilities.
Vrusk-owned shopping complex on Kidikit (Madderly’s Star) is destroyed by the
explosion of several bombs. Many
beings injured but no fatalities. The Kraatar Liberation Corps claims
responsibility. There is concern over
rekindling the Free World Rebellion tensions.
Despite budget delays and squabbling over the
need for upgraded defenses, Fortress Kidikit (Madderly’s Star) reaches the
75% complete milestone.
in Dramune on the rise as Outer Reach industries continue to ignore and
violate Inner Reach trademarks and patents.
Astronomers on Hargut (Gruna Goru) claim to
have detected artificial signals from a system several light years beyond the
Frontier. They begin organizing a petition to request that the UPF send and
exploration mission.
Task Force mercenaries, working under PGC direction, attack three Streel
archeology sites on Laco. Two are captured while the third is successfully
defended by Streel personnel. Streel personnel at the captured sites are not
harmed but evicted from the sites.
Glass Pyramid on Laco begins
glowing with an unidentifiable energy source. After 20 minutes of increasing
brightness, it releases a beam of energy nearly vertically. Beam consists of
both electromagnetic energy across the full spectrum and subspace signals.
Unmarked Streel ships attack the KSS Dawn’s Glow hijacking
cargo. Crew is left on immobilized ship to effect repairs and await rescue.
Subspace signal from Great Pyramid received in sathar space.
SF Nova arrives in Cassidine. It will be in system for 9 days exercising with Task Force Cassidine.
A raid on a PGC dig site by unknown forces results in one dead and one PGC scientist captured. The PGC scientist, a former Streel employee, is later released and identifies the assailants as Streel employees.
A message, transmitted by an artifact left on Volturnus (Zebulon) is received at a sathar listening post alerting then to the space-faring activity in the Zebulon system and the detection and penetration of the artifact by technologically advanced races.
A subspace message is received on Pale from the presumed lost Second Volturnus Expedition explaining the sathar and pirate presence in the Zebulon system and warning of imminent attack from sathar forces. Immediate assistance is requested.
PG Virgo arrives at Laco and takes up patrol duties around the system.
A raid on a PGC records vault on Laco results in the loss of all backup data related to the Glass Pyramid activation. Suspected corporate espionage by Streel but no concrete proof exists.
Streel sub-orbital shuttle shot down on Laco.
Assault scouts from PG Virgo are sent to investigate. Injured crew taken to
Tyrell’s Landing.
Fighting breaks out between PGC, Streel, and CDC forces near the site of the downed shuttle over a newly discovered Tetrarch ruins site on Laco exposed by a recent landslide.
After several days of discussion, the sathar decide to send a “cleansing” fleet to Volturnus.
After deliberations between the Pale Government
and the Council of Worlds about the message from the Zebulon system, UPF
Patrol Group Virgo cuts its time in Dixon’s Star short and departs Laco for
the Truane’s Star System on its way to Zebulon.
I had hoped to get the records vault up this week but I’ll do that next week. In the mean time, here are the first three weeks of the Detailed Frontier Timeline as posted by the @StarFrontiers account on Twitter.
Dates are in the YY.DDD format with the digits before the decimal being the year since the founding of the UPF and the numbers after the decimal being the day of that year. There are 400 standard days in a year so the current events presented are coming at the close of of FY59.
First Volturnus expedition leaves Pale
Second Voltrunus expedition leaves Pale for Zebulon system.
Jack Legrange murdered on Kraatar.
Rioting breaks out in Gozzorf City. (Fulborn-McKoy prize in bio-engineering)
claiming responsibility for the Lagrange murder by the Vrusk Protection Force
is released.
Vist’Lat, the employer of Legrange’s assassins,
fires and forcibly evicts all Human workers from corporate offices and
Services Organization issues an alert that Ixiol, a new drug previously
confined to Inner Reach, has begun appearing in other systems in the
Frontier. Users develop a deep yellow
tinge to their skin or carapace.
* Strike Force Nova arrives in the Prenglar system for its annual maintenance and refit. UPFS Admiral Clinton moves immediately into drydock for maintenance. It will be tied up for 26 days.
* Vist’Lat expelled from the Commercial Council on Kraatar – “The council feels that much of the recent unrest can be attributed to VL’s policies. Its latest move to sack its human workers and evict them from their homes in untenable. The council cannot condone or accept this behavior.”
announced for Jack Legrange to occur in 6 days (59.358)
Vist’Lat shuts down all spaceport operations
effectively cutting Kraatar off from the rest of the Frontier.
lost with second Volturnus expedition.
Suspected pirate activity in the Zebulon system. Pale government officials begin investigation
into possible leak of jump data.
Rumors leak about a secret Spacefleet starship
research and training center in an “unexplored” system within the
* Attack by KLC troops on monorail headed to Quazzt’s Depression where Legrange’s funeral is to be held. Train crashes. Rescue teams dispatched
* Legrange’s funeral moved forward and held today. Body is cremated, not a common practice on Kraatar
Survivors of train crash arrive in Quazzt.
unveils its new line of “Ke” laser weapons to be available in the
new year.
Missile launched from Kraatar’s moon,
Setarz. It self-destructs en
released by the Kraatar government reveals that the missile contained a bio-weapon
designed to kill all vrusk on the planet.
Also revealed is that Jack Legrange is still alive and orchestrated
the unrest on Kraatar and faked his death.
Unfortunately, the team that was able to stop the missile and gather
the information were not able to capture Legrange and he is currently at
Based on information obtained from Artemis Base,
Ral’Ik’Ka security forces stop a planned uprising by the KLC on the surface
of Kraatar. The planet returns to an
uneasy peace.
on Histran (Scree Fron system), release news of the discovery of a previously
unknown brown dwarf approximately 100ly from the Frontier. Its motion
indicates that it had a close encounter with a K4 star some 175 years ago. Initial news of the discovery is quickly
suppressed by the Family of One.
Sathar cybernuk creature (Frontier Explorer #6)
discovered on Pale with cyber implant. It was thought that the nuks were
confined to New Pale. The cyber
implant seems to be of recent construction and not a relic from the war.
Galactic unveils a new “Thunder” line of hoverbikes with nods to
early PGC models. Old-time bike enthusiasts praise the antique styling
coupled with modern safety features but others complain that the bikes live
up to their name and are too loud.
TransTravel’s newest luxury starliner, the TTSS
Destiny, emerges from the starship construction center at Gran Quivera. It
will begin a “Grand Tour of the Frontier” starting with a run to
Truane’s Star in a few days.
breed of quickdeath discovered on Pale. Descended from creatures released
during the Great Sathar War, this new variant is smaller but travels in packs
unlike the solitary or pair hunters of the original strain.
With both Strike Force Nova and Task Force
Prenglar in the Prenglar system, Spacefleet begins a series of training
exercises to last until the UPFS Admiral Clinton completes its refit.
The events presented will either be specific events I have in the timeline, events from my various campaigns happening during this time, or fluff pieces to provide some background and color to the Frontier on days when no significant events are happening. This first bit of material only involves events happening in the Frontier. As the timeline progresses, there will also be events happening in sathar controlled space. I’m still debating where to put those into the published tweets and include them in these posts.
In addition to posting the timeline as a table here on the blog, I’ll also be providing it as a PDF that can be downloaded. In future posts, the body of the post will only present the new material since the last post. The file, however, will always be the cumulative timeline starting from the beginning. Here’s the first installment of that:
Happy Halloween! In my “State of the Frontier” post last week, I mentioned that I was working on updating an old map that I had created many years (i.e. decades) ago for use as my main campaign map of the Frontier region. Today, I’m posting the (near) final version of that map. Along with a bit of history and explanation.
The original map was hand drawn in the late 80’s on six 8.5″x11″ pieces of quad-ruled graph paper and then taped together. I’ve kept it in a cardboard poster tube all these years when I haven’t actually been using it. Right now it’s rolled up inside out to try to get some of the decades of bend rolled out the other direction.
The map was drawn back before I acquired a personal copy of Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space, Vol 1. I didn’t get my first copy of that until 1992, many years after Star Frontiers went out of print. My copy was actually a gift from some fellow role-players.
I had, however, looked at a Zeb’s Guide and its beautiful map at some point before I drew mine. There are too many similarities between the area just around the Frontier in my map and the Zeb’s map to chalk up to mere coincidence. The two most noticeable are the star cluster to the upper left of the Frontier and the neutron star just below it. I would have had zero reason to put a cluster like that (I had four stars and the Zeb’s Guide map had 3) anywhere, let alone there, if I had not seen the published map at some point. And I had exactly the same use for the neutron star system at the location of Lynchpin as the published timeline had. I had a different route to it but the idea was there from a perusal of Zeb’s Guide in a bookstore.
I have now updated my map to better match the map in Zebulon’s Guide as well as included some additional fan created maps of the areas of space the Saurians and S’sessu come from. These changes mainly affect the area below the Frontier and to the right of Liberty system (from the Beyond the Frontier modules).
There are a few differences. Most importantly is the location of the new systems described in the published modules. I place the Rhianna (Mission to Alcazzar) and Starmist (Sundown on Starmist) systems in the locations specified in the modules, not where the Zeb’s Guide map places them. I always thought it was strange that they would move them from the published locations. In truth, only Rhianna was given a general location (inside the loop formed by Cassidine, Timeon, and White Light) but given the way Starmist was discovered (by emergency landing which I took to mean from a mis-jump), I don’t think the Zeb’s Guide location (outside the main Frontier) makes sense for that system and I like mine better (and the system I chose was left off the Zeb’s map completely!). My location for the Belnafaer system (Bugs in the System) only differs by one star from the Zeb’s map and both correspond to the module description. For now I’ve left it where I originally placed it but might move it for consistency. Finally, the location of the Tristkar system (Dark Side of the Moon) is exactly where Zeb’s Guide places it. From the description in the module, the location of the Solar Major system would make a little more sense but since I didn’t actually have this system on my map originally, using the Zeb’s Guide location works just fine.
Second, I don’t have the plague worlds from Zeb’s Guide (the system I choose for Rhianna is actually Zeb’s Delta plague world). On my map they are just unexplored systems.
Finally, while I don’t normally use the MegaCorp systems in my campaign I’ve included them for completeness. I’ve also redrawn the nebulae in the Frontier region to more match the ones drawn in the Zeb’s Guide map and added in the Rim planets.
On the side of fan produced materials, I’ve added in the locations of the Saurian and S’sessu worlds from maps published in issues 4 and 16 of the Frontier Explorer and adjusted my map accordingly.
The New Map
So with that introduction, here’s the updated map.
Updated map of the Frontier. Click for the full-sized image.
The smaller blue box is the area covered by the original Frontier map and the large blue box is the area covered by the Zeb’s Guide map.
This is very much a “player-facing” map. It doesn’t contain secret jump routes (with the exception of the one between Truane’s Star to Cassidine that I forgot to remove 🙂 ) that are known to the UPF, MegaCorps, pirates, or the sathar. If I was using it for my game, there are even parts of this map that I would not use (i.e. the MegaCorp planets, and S’sessu and Saurian space) at least not to begin with as those are discovered in game. I’ve set the map up with all these bits and pieces on separate layers so that I can turn them on and off as needed.
The map extends more upward from the Frontier than down because the Vast Expanse, an area that I consider to be fairly devoid of stars, is “down” and exploration is easier (due to shorter jump distances) in the “up” direction. You can see the much lower density of stars in that direction. It gets even worse going further off the map.
While I still have some small tweaking to do on this map, mainly with labeling, it is completely usable.
Future Work
While this is a completely functional map, it’s not super pretty. One of the things I’d like to do is give it a color makeover so it looks more like the maps that my star sector generator program produces. Those maps look like this:
Click for full-sized image
However, that might have to wait for a while. Although when I get to it, it will make a pretty awesome poster.
The actual next step is to work out the logistics of the Second Sathar War and the sathar assault on the Frontier. The sathar are out there on that Extended Frontier map although I didn’t show their systems and jump routes. Given that I know know all the jump routes, I can start figuring out how long it would take for them to maneuver and launch offensives and resupply their ships from their starship construction centers. Some exploration by the UPF and well placed raids could significantly influence the outcome of the conflict.
If you have any thoughts or comments on the map, let me know.
Update: Just saw today that the RPG Blog Carnival topic for November (hosted by Nuketown) is “All These Worlds …”. My post was a day early (and I didn’t know the topic or I might have waited) but it’s close enough that I think it applies. So this post is part of this month’s blog carnival and I might have some more related posts in the coming weeks.
Duergan’s Star system is where the Ghost Ship Osiris adventure takes place. Part of the module is a short write-up of the system. Presented here for you enjoyment.
There might be a few tweaks to this after Bill looks over it but for the most part this is the final description of the star system. Bill wrote most of the background, I primarily did the astronomical data.
Duergan’s Star System
In -391 GFT, a starship from a distant point of origin crashed on a terrestrial world orbiting a yellow star. The Hawthorne was a rather large science research vessel that supported a crew of 100 Human scientists and technicians. The captain of the vessel, Dr. Duergan Mindner, identified it as a safe place to set down the failing ship, saving its crew but stranding them far from home. This was the first time Humans set foot on any of the worlds of the Frontier sector, and would become the start of their long legacy of influence. Just under 40 years later, Human migration vessels began their voyage from afar to make these worlds their homes.
Today, Hawthorne and Parnell have heavy Human populations. These two habitable planets reside within the habitable zone of the system’s primary Star. Its people share a cultural and economic brotherhood with those of the Kassel and Bhant Systems, the three comprising a region known as “The Ring,” a central hub of cultural, corporate, industrial, and economic activity for the Galactic Federation.
The local government of Duergan’s Star, headquartered on Parnell, is a member of the Galactic Federation and has been since its founding. The Federation keeps a naval garrison here and operates three navigational buoys, providing secure trade routes to Kassel (4 LY away), Bhant (4 LY away), and Krighton (11 LY away, gateway to the Asimaar Prelacy).
Star System
Duergan’s Star System. Planets are to scale with one another and the orbital distances are to scale on a logarithmically scaled axis
The star itself is a yellow G7V main sequence star with a mass of 0.9 galactic standard solar masses (1.795×1030kg). It has a luminosity of 0.693 stellar luminosities (2.69×1026 W) and a diameter of 0.93 standard diameters (1.29 million km). Its surface temperature is 5472K.
Most of the star system is relatively close to the planet (less than 13 AU) but it has one distant world in the outer reaches. The Duergan’s Star system contains two asteroid belts, two habitable planets, an ice giant planet, and three other worlds. The FTL horizon is at 1.5 AU, 0.38 and 0.65 AU beyond the two habitable planets.
Inner Belt
The inner belt is a very high density asteroid belt filled with smaller objects that orbit between 0.2 and 0.4 AU from Duergan’s Star. There are considerable resources to be found by those that work the belt and numerous ships can be found here.
Wescott is a large terrestrial planet orbiting 0.5 AU from the star. It has a surface gravity of 1.6g and is 1.34 standard diameters in size. It has six small moons that are asteroids captured from the inner belt. Its surface is covered with large impact craters – witness to regular bombardment by strays from the inner belt.
Hawthorne was the first planet settled by humanity in the frontier. Despite its long history and large urban sprawls, Hawthorne is a remarkably clean planet. Founded by scientists who understood the need to be careful with their new world, the people have maintained that tradition over the centuries.
Hawthorne is a higher than average density world, Although it has a diameter of 11,097.9 km (0.87 standard), it has a surface gravity of 1.1g. It orbits 0.85 AU from the primary and has a warm pleasant climate with a day lasting 26.5 standard hours. It has four small moons.
Parnell was settled much later after the Hawthorne colony was well established. Parnell is an ocean world with only a few very small island continents. These islands are completely covered with cities and overpopulated. The climate is very mild but not cold. The large oceans result in a bit more greenhouse warming and the planet is warmer than a typical terrestrial planet at this distance from its primary.
Parnell orbits 1.12 AU from Duergan’s Star and has a diameter of 8164 km. Its surface gravity is 0.9g and it rotates once every 21.3 hours. It has two moons. The mild climate, low gravity, and abundant beaches make tourism a major industry on the planet.
Outer Belt
The outer asteroid belt is not as dense and the inner belt (rating only a moderate density) but the individual objects in this belt are individually very large, often bordering on being minor planets themselves. Outpost Osiris is located on a medium sized asteroid in this belt. The belt is fairly wide with objects in this belt having orbits ranging from 1.6 to 2.8 AU from the star. Like the inner belt, there are considerable resources here and many mining operations are scattered throughout the belt.
Orbiting at a distance of 5.24 AU from Duergan’s Star, Dungannon is a dwarf planetoid 6250.5 km in diameter. It has a surface gravity of 0.53g and spins on its axis once every 75.5 hours. Dunganon has single large moon that is tidally locked to the planet (orbiting and also rotating once every 75.5 hours). This moon has a surface gravity of just under 0.1g. It has a diameter of 1722.2 km.
Coombs is the system’s only Jovian planet and is classified as an Ice Jovian being composed of more methane and ammonia than pure hydrogen gas. It orbits 12.12 AU from the star, and has a diameter of 44646.7 km. It rotates once every 18 hours and has 37 moons ranging in size from small asteroids to o jects that are small worlds in their own right.
The final, distant object in the system to be classified as a planet is the small dwarf planetoid Winterbourne. This cold, frigid planet orbits 78.83 AU from the star. It has a diameter of 3954.4 km and a surface gravity of only 0.21g. Like Dungannon, it rotates very slowly completing one rotation every 76.2 hours. Winterbourne is a solitary object with no moons. Lost in the clutter of small objects in the outer system, Winterbourne has only been considered a full plant for the past 43 years.
The following table summarizes the planetary data for the primary objects in the Duergan’s Star system.