The surprise appearance of sathar forces in the Gruna Garu system were met by the combined forces of the Hargut militia, the Frontier Fighter Corps, and the Yazira Squadron. Sustaining heavy casualities, including the complete loss of the Frontier Fighter Corps squadron, the defenders were able to destroy nearly all the invading vessels.
The final sathar ship, heavily wounded, and in an act incomprehensible to sane minds, rammed the defense station destroying itself and the station in the process. We honor those who gave their lives defending ours.
Rinna Harglot, Hargut Global News
Hoping to draw some of the UPF forces from the spinward side of the Frontier where most of the fighting has occurred so far, the sathar have explored a route into the Gruna Garu system and launch a small fleet to attack that system hoping to overpower the defenders there. They are opposed by the Hargut militia, Frontier Fighter Corps Squadron Theta, and the rag-tag volunteers of the Yaziria Squadron.
Order of Battle
- 2 assault scouts
- 1 armed station
Frontier Fighter Corps (Squadron Theta)
- 8 fighters
Yaziria Squadron
- 1 Belvedere Class ship
- 1 Astro Blaster III Class ship
- 1 Imp Class ship
- 1 Nova-AR Class ship
- 1 Rollo’s Revenge Class ship
- 1 Condor II Class ship
- 2 Thruster II Class ships
- 1 destroyer
- 2 light cruisers
- 1 heavy cruiser
The Battle
The sathar are here to do as much damage as possible to attempt to draw forces from the other part of the Frontier. They come in relatively slow (speed 15) in attempt to get the defending forces to spread out so that they can deal with them in waves instead of all at once.
The UPF forces spread across a wide front moving at speed 20 to be prepared to engage the sathar regardless of what path they take through the system. The FFC squadron splits into two flights on the wings and the Yazira Squadron splits up as well with the militia assault scouts above them.

Turn 1
The sathar maintain their speed but pull into a closer defensive position. Out of range of any UPF weapons, they take some long distanced shots at the armed station with their proton and electron batteries. The second light cruiser connects with both weapons knocking out the stations laser battery and crippling its damage control system.
The UPF ships race forward applying maximum acceleration but can’t quite get in range of the sathar vessels which get another round of free shots on the station which has now come in range of their cannons as well. They are not as lucky this time and only the destroyer’s laser cannon connects with the station knocking out 9% of its hull integrity.

Turn 2
Accelerating to speed 17 and remaining as a group, the sathar turn to go after the lone flight of FFC fighters below the planet. The fire a salvo of torpedoes at the station as they pass and fire their energy weapons at the fighters with each ship targeting a single fighter and the heavy cruiser firing one of its laser batteries at the fighter targeted by the destroyer. The station fires all of its ICMs in an attempt to disrupt the torpedo attack. The heavy cruiser also drops a seeker missile along its path.
All of the torpedoes miss the station but the fighters are not so lucky. The smaller capital ships all hit with their cannons and electron batteries and the heavy cruiser hits with one of its laser batteries on its primary target. The two lead fighters are vaporized by the energy cannons hitting them. The third fighter has 25% of its hull integrity knocked out by the electron battery while the disruptor cannon damages its combat control system. The final fighter has its navigation control system jammed by the hit from the heavy cruiser’s laser battery.
The UPF move to eliminate the sathar vessels. The other flight of FFC fighters continues its maximum acceleration and loops in behind the sathar ships to unleash a volley of assault rockets. The militia assault scouts do the same. The damaged fighters remain at speed 25. The fighter with the navigation control hit spins away from the sathar vessels and never gets a shot but the other fighter maneuvers for an assault rocket shot and then flies up near the station to position itself for its next attack.
The Belvedere and Imp join up 50,000 km away from the sathar ships to remain out of range of their torpedoes and fire their laser weapons at the frigate. The Rolo’s Revenge and Condor II do the same to come up behind the sathar vessels but close to 40,000km so that they are within torpedo range. The Nova-AR and Thruster II vessels make an assault rocket pass and follow the militia assault scouts’ and fighters’ general flight plans. The Astro Blaster II, with its limited maneuverability strafes the sathar ships with its electron battery.
Defensively, the sathar ships fire their rocket batteries at the Astro Blaster II and focus their remaining weapons on the UPF fighters and Thruster II vessels. Their cannons are fired at the two wounded fighters while they fire two energy batteries each at the other 6 vessels.
The partially damaged fighter is obliterated by laser and disruptor cannon blasts from the destroyer and a light cruiser. The other light cruiser connects with its disruptor cannon starting a fire on the fighter with the navigation damage. The Astro Blaster III is hit by two of the rocket batteries knocking out 77% of its hull integrity and taking it out of the fight. In the other flight of fighters two are destroyed by electron battery fire while the other two suffer 88% and 50% hull integrity reduction from laser batteries. The second Thruster II ship is hit by an electron battery knocking out its engines.
The surviving UPF ships open fire. The seven assault rockets are all fired at the heavy cruiser while the ships focus their energy weapons on one of the light cruisers. The Rollo’s Revenge and Condor II fire torpedoes at the destroyer. The destroyer and heavy cruiser fire ICMs at the incoming torpedoes. Six of the seven assault rockets hit the heavy cruiser. On takes out the cruiser’s torpedo launcher while the other knocks out its ICM launcher. The other four hammer its hull reducing it’s hull integrity by 88%. The ICMs do their job and intercept both torpedoes headed for the destroyer. The light cruiser is raked by energy fire with the Astro Blaster III’s electron battery knocking out its ICM launcher, the Nova-AR’s laser battery short circuiting the power system, and a proton battery from the Rollo’s Revenge and a laser and proton battery from the Condor II rake the hull and reduce its hull integrity by 29%.

Turn 3
The sathar heavy cruiser, heavily damaged, just drifts away from the battle. The other sathar ships pull to port and go after the Belvedere, Imp and Astro Blaster II vessels. They also activate the seeker missile dropped last round that activates near the Rollo’s Revenge and Condor II. With the Condor II being the larger ship, it is targeted by the missile. Between the two ships they fire three ICMs at the incoming seeker missile. Unfortunately, the seeker missile evades the ICMs and slams into the Condor II but only knocks out its masking screen launcher.
Defensively, Condor II and Rolo’s Revenge fire at the Heavy Cruiser while all the other ships in range fire at the damaged light cruiser. He heavy cruiser is hit by an electron battery from the Condor II that knocks out its disruptor cannon and the Condor II and Rollo’s Revenge hit with a proton and electron battery respectively knocking it down to just 1% hull integrity (1 HP left). The Light cruiser is hit by the Belvedere’s and Imp’s laser cannons knocking out its disruptor cannon and reducing its hull integrity by 11%.
The sathar fire two torpedoes at the Rollo’s Revenge and two at the Belvedere. The heavy cruiser fires all of its energy weapons at the Rollo’s Revenge as well. The other ships fire their cannons at the Astro Blaster III as they fly by. They fire two rocket batteries at the Belvedere and on at the Imp and divide their energy battery weapons evenly between the two ships. The heavy cruiser deploys its final seeker missile along its path.
The Rollo’s Revenge and Condor II fire ICMs at the incoming torpedoes and both miss. With no ICMs, the Belvedere isn’t as lucky and one of the torpedoes hit reducing it’s hull integrity by 62%. The Rollo’s Revenge is hit by an electron battery from the heavy cruiser that knocks out its power system disabling its defenses. Both rocket batteries hit the Belvedere obliterating it. The rocket battery fired at the Imp misses. The destroyer’s laser cannon connects with the Astro Blaster III destroying it. The Imp is hit by a laser, proton, and electron battery, all of which damage its hull, but amazingly only reduce the hull integrity by 50% (only 10 HP on 3d10).
The fire on the UPF fighter damages its hull knocking out 50% of its hull integrity. That fighter pulls to the left with it’s out of control maneuvering and slows to speed 20 but its path takes it dangerously close to the planet.
The UPF fighters and militia assault scouts loop around the planet and make an assault rocket run on the undamaged sathar light cruiser while joining up and remaining at speed 30. The Imp and Rollo’s Revenge join up to go after heavy cruiser to finish it off. Due to the Rollo’s Revenge’s speed, the come within rocket battery range of the cruiser. The Condor II and Thruster II ships come up behind the sathar vessels and fire at the damaged light cruiser. The Nova-AR starts chasing down the sathar ships as well but is too far away to catch up with its limited acceleration.
Defensively, the heavy cruiser focuses its energy weapons on the Imp and fires a rocket battery at the Rollo’s Revenge. The rocket battery hits knocking out the ship’s maneuvering. A lucky hit by the cruiser’s laser battery destroys the Imp (10 HP on 1d10). The other sathar ships fire on the incoming fighters and Thruster vessels dividing their weapons among those four ships. The two fighters and damaged Thruster II ship are hit by a laser, electron, and proton battery (respectively) and each are destroyed. The other Thruster II vessel is hit by an electron battery which reduces its hull integrity by 60%.
The surviving ships open fire at their respective targets. The Rollo’s Revenge’s electron battery takes out the heavy cruiser’s proton screen just before the torpedo slams into the hull obliterating the ship. The Condor II and surviving Thruster II ship hit with every weapon except one of the Condor II’s laser battery. The Thruster II’s pod laser knocks out half of the cruiser’s maneuvering capabilities while the Condor II’s laser battery induces a navigation control failure. That is moot, however as the torpedo, assault rocket, disruptor cannon, and proton and electron batteries rip into the cruiser’s hull and destroy the ship (98 HP, too bad they didn’t shoot at the undamaged cruiser. The militia ships fire at the other light cruiser. The laser batteries miss but both assault rockets hit reducing the hull to just over 50% integrity (both AR rolled double damage but only did a total of 34 HP).

Repair Turn 1
The damaged sathar light cruiser repairs 11% of its hull integrity.
The station repairs its laser battery. The fighter tries to repair the fighter but can’t quite get it out (rolled a 34 on a 30 DCR). The Rollo’s Revenge tries to repair its maneuvering but can’t quite get it fixed. The surviving Thruster II tries to repair its hull but the damage will require a shipyard. Finally, the Condor II repairs its masking screen launcher.
Turn 4
The sathar activate the last seeker missiles which chases down the Rollo’s Revenge. With no ICM’s left, the ship’s crew watches helplessly as the missile closes in and slams into the hull reducing the hull integrity by 62%. The two surviving ships turn to port and head back toward the planet, slowing to speed 14.
Defensively, all the ships fire at the damaged light cruiser. The Condor II hits with a laser battery reducing the hull integrity by 13% and an electron battery which starts a fire. The Thruster II’s pod laser scores a critical hit reducing the cruiser’s hull integrity by another 23%
The sathar vessels fire all their weapons at the Condor II. One electron battery hits damaging the Condor II’s combat control system while both torpedoes hit reducing the ship’s hull integrity by 78%.
The fire on the UPF fighter proves too much and compromises the hull, destroying the ship. The Rollo’s Revenge and the Condor II, both heavily damaged, just drift away from the battle as they work on repairs to their hull to prevent the ships from breaking up while maneuvering. The remaining ships loop around and go after the sathar vessels intending to take out the destroyer on this pass.
The militia assault scouts loop around and fire on the destroyer, slowing to speed 25. Like the assault scouts, the Nova-AR loops around, just counter clockwise and fires on the destroyer as well. The Thruster II follows a similar flight plan to the Nova-AR but it’s high speed takes it further away from the sathar ships after if fires its weapons.
Defensively, the destroyer fires at the Thruster II while the light cruiser fires at the lead militia assault scout. An electron battery connects with the Thruster II damaging its engines while the assault scout is hit by a laser battery knocking out the assault scout’s laser battery and an electron battery that reduces its maneuvering by 25%.
The Thruster II’s pod laser damages the destroyer’s engines but then three of the four assault rockets hit the destroyer obliterating it.

Turn 5
Cognizant of the fact that it probably won’t survive the battle with the remaining UPF vessels, the damaged sathar light cruiser turns toward the planet and station. Using the gravity of the planet to assist it’s motion the cruiser barrels straight at the station to ram it. The crew of the station watches in horror as the large sathar vessel barrels down on them. They fire their laser and rocket battery in defense but know it won’t be enough. Both of the station’s weapons miss. The cruiser fires all of its weapons at the station while it approaches. However, only the disruptor cannon actually hits knocking out the station’s empty ICM launcher. The massive ship impacts the station and the two vessels rip each other apart.

Final Repairs
The militia assault scout quickly repairs its damaged LB and then its damaged maneuvering shortly thereafter.
After about two hours, the Rollo’s Revenge has repaired all of its damage except its hull. It will have to carefully fly to Prenglar to get that repaired not what the Hentz shipyard has been destroyed.
It takes two and half hours for the Condor II to complete its repairs and like the Rollo’s Revenge, it too must carefully limp to a shipyard to completely repair its hull.
After an hour and a half, the surviving Thruster II has repaired as much as it can of the battle damage but is also unable to repair its hull and must head to a shipyard.
The sathar didn’t quite do as much damage as they had hoped. While they destroyed the fighter squadron and the station, they didn’t take out the militia assault scouts. However, they did succeed in showing the UPF that Gruna Garu is now vulnerable. So while they didn’t do as much damage as desired, it will have the desired effect of stretching the UPF thinner in the defense of the Frontier.
If you count the damage done to the surviving ships of the Yazira Squadron, the sathar actually did more damage than they took inflicting a total of 320 HP while losing 270. They definitely took out more ships. Although if you only count the ships destroyed, the sathar only destroyed 249 HP of ships. So it was pretty even.
Lessons Learned
The sathar were doing pretty well until turn 4. Then their defensive fire failed and the UPF ships had a stellar round. The turn before was also a bit surprising when the Condor II hit with everything and obliterated the sathar light cruiser. I was actually expecting the light cruiser to possibly survive that round but it didn’t.
Overall, the privateers and yachts did pretty well. The Condor II and Rollo’s Revenge are formidible ships. I picked the ships for the Yazira squadron fairly randomly. If those two ships hadn’t been part of the mix, it might have gone much worse for the UPF as their torpedos were quite helpful. The Yazira Squadron were “bonus” ships relative to the order of battle for the Second Sathar War game but so were the ships I gave the sathar when I added in the ships at sathar SCC#10 a while back so it evens out.
Playing out this battle was a little slower than some of the others because I was using new ships that I’d not played before in the Yazira Squadron. I have the standard ships etched into my brain from so many battles but I was continually looking up the stats for the yachts and privateers. It also made for a bit more chaotic battle as every ship had unique characteristics.