I thought I’d have these done back in November but better late than never.
What follows are the basic descriptions for the rooms on the Outpost Osiris maps that I presented back in the Outpost Osiris post back in October (which I’m reposting here so you don’t have to jump back and forth). So without further ado…
Docking Level

- Docking Bay – This is the docking bay for the base. It is capable of holding up to a large size freighter. The outer doors can be opened or closed from either inside the bay itself or from the Sensors and Communications room on the crew level. There are separate large pressure doors going to the airlock, the various storage bays, and the refined ore extraction area to allow for direct loading and unloading of ships dock here without having to move everything through the airlock.
- Airlock – This is the main airlock for the base connecting the docking bay to the rest of the complex. Primarily designed for personnel, it is also the route for getting large equipment (such as the mining robots) into the base. Because of its size, it takes 30 seconds to cycle.
- Mineral Storage Bays – These rooms are designed to hold the processed minerals extracted from the asteroid. Their primary access is through the large pressure doors in the docking bay although they can be accessed via smaller doors from the main hallway. Each of these rooms acts like an airlock and both doors cannot be opened at the same time.
- Food Storage – This large room stores excess food stuffs for the life support system after it arrives until it is needed on the crew level.
- Equipment Storage – This room contains a variety of equipment and machinery that can be used to repair and maintain the systems on the bases, especially the life support system and mineral processing center.
- Tech Repair – This room is used for repair and maintenance of the equipment on Outpost Osiris. It counts as an Engineering Facility (RHB p29) for equipment repairs.
- Robot Repair – Similar to the tech repair room, the equipment in this area focuses on the upkeep of the outpost’s robot workforce. There is always one or more robots in this facility for maintenance and repair. Like the tech repair room, this area also counts as an Engineering Facility for robot repair.
- Robot Storage – These rooms house storage and charging facilities for the robots working the mines and maintenance at the Outpost.
- Mineral Processing Center – This area is loud and full of machinery that processes the raw ore (taken in at area C) and refines it into the raw materials ready for shipment (deposited at area A). There are various narrow walkways and passages through the machinery to allow for maintenance and repairs. Tailings of unusable ore are ejected out into space from the upper left corner through a series of airlocks built into the system.
- Refined Ore Extraction – This is where the refined materials are deposited once the refining process is complete. They are then moved from this area to the various mineral storage bays to await shipment.
- Processing Control Center – This is the control center for the mineral processing center. It allows the operators to oversee the refining process and monitor the state of both the material being processed and the machinery itself.
- Raw Ore Intake – This is the area were the mining robots deposit the raw ore mined from the asteroid to be processed. It contains a number of large bins and hoppers that move the raw material into the processing center. It is connected to the ore loading area (area H) via a series of airlock chambers.
- Airlocks to Mines – This airlock provides access to the mine shafts. The shafts are not pressurized so a vac suit is needed beyond this point.
- Ore Loading Area – This is the unpressurized area where the mining robots bring raw ore to be fed into the mineral processing center.
- Stairwell – This is a stairwell that descends down to the crew and then power levels of outpost Osiris. It is very rarely used as there are about 50 meters between the docking and crew deck and another 100 meters between the crew and power decks. It is present primarily for evacuation in case the main elevator fails.
- Elevator – This large main elevator connects the three inhabited levels of the outpost and allows for the movement of large machinery between the levels as needed. It takes one minute to travel between the docking and crew levels and two minutes to travel between the crew and power levels.
- Storage Room – This small storage room is used to hold various spare parts for the robots.
Crew Level

- Sensors and Communications – This room contains several consoles that control the various internal and external communications and sensors. There are also a number of windows allowing the occupants to see out into space. From this room all of the security cameras, radios, and other sensors can be accessed and monitored.
- Offices – These offices are used to conduct the day to day administration of the outpost. Each contains a desk, some chairs, and a computer terminal.
- Life Support and Hydroponics – This area contains the life support machinery for the outpost and a large hydroponics lab that produces both fresh fruits and vegetables but also some of the oxygen used throughout the complex. All of the water and air circulation pumps and filters are located in this area.
- Dining – This the main dining hall filled with a number of tables and chairs and a large video screen along the left wall.
- Galley – This is the kitchen where the outpost’s food is prepared.
- Food Storage – This is a giant pantry containing the unprepared food. There are a number of shelves and refrigerator units in this area. When supplies here are low, they are replenished from the food storage bay on the docking level.
- Freezer – A large walk-in freezer for holding perishable foods long term.
- Main Computer – This room houses the main computer for the outpost and has, in addition to the computer itself, three terminals for accessessing the software on the computer. The computer contains all of records on the mining and ore processing activities at the outpost as well as any information collected on the alien spacecraft. With access to the computer, an operator has access to all the security cameras and locks, the life support system, and can control the mineral processing center and robots. The computer has a level ?? security system.
- Housing – These apartment are approximately 100 sq meters (1000 sq ft) in size and each have the same floor plan (or mirrors of their neighbors). The four units closest to the main hall are slightly larger (120 sq meters) and are designed for double occupancy.
- Theater – This is a large theater and holovid room where the crew and staff can go to watch movies shows. It is also used for teleconferences with Nova Vista headquarters and meetings of the entire outpost staff.
- Pool – This room contains a large swimming pool that the staff uses to relax and stay in shape.
- Sauna – This room contains a sauna that the crew can use on their off hours.
- Changing Rooms – This area contains a number of changing rooms and showers as well as toilet facilities for use when using the pool, gym, sauna, and steam room.
- Steam Room – For those that prefer a wet heat to a dry heat, this room provides a steam room for use by the staff.
- Gym & Track – This large room contains a gym floor that can be used for any number of recreational activities. The artificial gravity in this area can be adjusted to allow for a variety of different games and sports to be played if desired. Unlike the rest of the complex, which has a 3m high ceiling, the gym has a 10m ceiling. Around the outside of the gym floor area, there is a running track that is not affected by the changing gravity.
- Stairwell – This stairwell connects the three levels and can be used in case of emergency or failure of the elevator.
- Elevator – This is the access to the large elevator that connects the three levels of the outpost.
Power Level

- Stairwell – This is the stairwell access on the Power Level.
- Elevator – This is the elevator access on the Power Level.
- Control Room – This is the control room for the nuclear reactor that powers the outpost. The room is secured by a level ? lock that only grants access to the technicians that operate the reactor. It is usually empty as the system is fully automated and only requires checks once or twice a day.
- Maintenance Access – This is an decontamination airlock that allows access to the reactor itself for any maintenance tasks. The room contains several radiation suits that allow the technicians to work on the reactor without sustaining radiation damage. Both doors cannot be opened at the same time and it takes 10 minutes to cycle the system once the inner door has been opened to clear out the irradiated air. Both doors have a level ? security lock that only opens for the technicians that operate and service the reactor
- Fuel Loading Access – This door is used to add new or remove spent fuel from the reactor. It accepts only specially designed fuel canisters that are designed to hold the atomic fuel for the reactor and keep it contained and safe. It is not large enough for any of the races to enter the reactor.
- Nuclear Reactor – This is the nuclear reactor proper that powers the outpost and contains the fuel cells, turbines, piping, and heat exchangers that keep the reactor running and the energy flowing.
Coming Next
The next thing up for this adventure is the completion of the section involving the outpost. This includes bios of the staff, their location when the PCs arrive, and where the robots terrorizing the outpost are located and their tactics. I made some progress on that over the weekend and will continue working on it and get it posted as soon as I can. In the meantime, you can expect another post from my starship construction system if I don’t get it finished this week.
It’s also been requested that I do a post on how I actually created the Duergan’s Star system map so that might show up before I finish writing out the rest of this section of the Ghost Ship Osiris adventure.
As always, let me know if you have any questions or thoughts in the comment section below.