Things have been pretty quiet lately here on the blog as non-game related things have been keeping me away. I won’t bore you with the details but it includes fixing a garage door, repairing a furnace, and replacing a dead smartphone among other things.
On the plus side I also got my internet service upgrade and to my surprise, instead of going from 10 Mbs out to 100 Mbs out, I’m regularly measuring 600 Mbs in bandwidth. What that means is that once the site starts loading, it should be very quick and the large image files should not take much time to download. I was going to be happy with the 10x increase but getting 60x is amazing. I suspect that as more people in my neighborhood upgrade to fiber that might go down but we’ll have to wait and see.
What I’m working on
Despite the quiet, I have been working a bit. Here’s what’s happening and what you can expect to hear about in the future.
Ghost Ship Osiris
I’m currently working on writing up the details of the adventure that take place on Outpost Osiris now that I have the map in place. This was going to be my focus over the past couple of weeks but all my free time got chewed up by home repairs. I have made some progress and it should go quicker now that most of the issues are (hopefully) behind me. Unfortunately, there isn’t much to share here on that project until I get to the next section and start designing the Pursale ship. Although I will be sharing the write-up with my Patreon supporters once it’s finished.
Death at Rosegard
I have a few more maps to create and post for this adventure (the Streel mine complex, a different old mine system, and Trey Mulden‘s compound). I also need to provide a write-up on the NPCs at the Streel mine. And then there is lots of writing to make it into a coherent adventure.
Other stuff
I’m currently running a Star Frontiers game on-line that is set at the beginning of the Second Sathar War (Death at Rosegard was the opening adventure). There has also been a lot on interest expressed in having an on-line play-by-post game that I would set in the same time period. Which got me to thinking about the actual events of the Second Sathar War. I don’t use the timeline in the Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space (at least not completely) but have my own ideas about how that would work.
I’ve dabbled a bit with that over the years but never actually sat down and come up with a comprehensive outline of what the sathar would do. And so that has started taking over my brain as I look at logistics and such from the sathar point of view.
I have a map of the expanded Frontier that I created before I ever owned a copy of Zeb’s Guide. I’ve posted that on-line in the past but not here so I’m including it for your enjoyment. This is the “player” version so that everything beyond the Frontier is unexplored. It does include most of the systems from the modules (and apparently a supposedly secret jump from Cassidine to Truane’s Star that is part of my universe, not sure how that got on to this version ).

I’m currently working on tweaking this map slightly so that the location of the star systems match the slightly larger Frontier map from Zeb’s Guide. I’ll be keeping the module systems where I put them (Zeb’s moves Sundown and Rianna and has a slightly different location for Belenafar) and adding in the Rim systems. I’ll probably also add in the Saurian systems from the Frontier Explorer and possibly the Se’sseu systems too. I had obviously seen Zeb’s Guide before I made my map because I placed a few systems (most notably that cluster to the upper left of the original Frontier) in nearly the exact same place as the Zeb’s map. Luckily none of those changes affect where I had put the Sathar systems.
With the star map in hand, I’ll begin working on the logistics and timeline for the Second Sathar War. I have a number of adventures in the back of my mind that would allow the PCs to directly intervene and affect the outcome and there will be write ups for those in the coming months (years at my current rate of production ). But first, the map, then an outline of the Sathar attacks on the Frontier that will serve as a background for the campaigns. I should probably do a project overview post for this stuff.
Is there anything you’d like to see more (or less) of in the coming months? With winter coming, all the sports activities are winding down and I’m doing less chasing and should have more time for these projects. Let me know what you’d like to see.