This is going to be a fairly short post as there really isn’t much to say. This month’s posts had a fairly focused theme: miniatures.
Looking Back

October was the month of miniatures. We had the Detailed Frontier Timeline post to start off the month and then it was miniatures, miniatures, miniatures with posts on the Armed Station, the UPF Light Cruiser, and the UPF Destroyer. I ended the month with a post providing the spectral types of all the stars on the Extended Frontier Map.
There were some things going on behind the scenes as well. Most notably we were hard at work on Issue 26 of the Frontier Explorer, which was just released late last night. It took longer than I planned. I’m still struggling with the distributed workload. It just takes longer than when I was doing it all myself and I keep forgetting to account for that. Hopefully I’ll get that figured out for the January issue.
I also worked a bit more on my Star Frontiers novel. This was mostly at the beginning of the month before work on the Frontier Explorer and my current miniatures obsession took over. But I still managed to get ~5000 words added. Not as many as I wanted but creating the miniature models ate into the time I had planned to spend on writing.
Looking Forward
I’ll have to admit, I’m having a blast creating the miniatures and I don’t think it’s going to stop anytime soon. Although the rate will definitely slow down. I’m nearly halfway done with the UPF Battleship and will finish that here in the coming month so you can expect a post about that.
As I’ve mentioned in the posts this month, I’m working on filling in the gaps so that there are miniatures for all the ships in the Second Sathar War game. After the battleship, I’ll have recreated all the original UPF and sathar miniatures. With the destroyers and fighters done, the only ships left are the UPF Heavy Cruiser and the UPF and sathar assault carriers. Those builds will be completely from scratch and may take some time. I expect that those will be coming at the rate of one a month for the next little while. They may come faster if I really get bitten by the modeling bug but one a month is the plan.
I want to finish up the module campaign project so I’m going to force myself to write another post in that series this month and then finish it off in December. We’ll also have the regular Detailed Frontier Timeline post. As to the fourth post this month, I’m going to leave that open and not make any predictions or promises. We’ll have to see what project grabs me this time around.
Your Thoughts
What did you think about the overabundance of miniatures this month? Do you want to see more of those? Is there something you’re missing or you’d like to see more of? Is there a project or topic you’d like to see me tackle (or finish)? Let me know in the comments below. And Happy Halloween!