Okay, I didn’t get nearly as much done on my trip as I hoped. I should know by now (after doing these for over 15 years) that attending a conference sucks way more energy out of me than I expect. That and I had something come up that took up a bunch of my free time. I did get to play cricket for the first time though. That was fun and the Australians got a good laugh at us Americans messing up all the time.
I had hoped to get the map done and posted this week and while I made some progress on it. Working on it in the airports and on the plane was not as efficient as I had hoped. So this week we’re going to continue with the module based campaign series. We’ll finish the Alpha Dawn adventures and when we’re finished the PCs will have their starting starship skills and be ready for the Knight Hawks adventures.
Where are we at?
I have two goals for this part of the campaign. The first is to get the PCs to level on spaceship skills. The second is to start building them a nest egg of cash that they can use when the get a ship as running and maintaining a ship can be expensive.
When we left off in the last post, the PCs had just foiled Jack Legrange’s plan to kill all the Vrusk on Kraatar and had been given a free ticket to either the Theseus or White Light system. This is where we pick up.
Upon arrival, the PCs will be at loose ends and looking for employment or some other form of adventure. While the last adventure was XP heavy, it didn’t come with a lot of cash since their original employer was killed early on. After they’ve had a day or two to bum around the station, they are approached by representatives of the Cassidine Development Corporation.

They have heard about the PCs exploits on Kraatar and looking into their background their accomplishment in some of the other adventures as well. The offer from CDC will depend on the PC’s experience level. If the PCs need a bit more XP to get to the point that they have all the prerequisite skills they need to acquire spaceship skills, the pitch will be to work as troubleshooters for CDC helping them solve problems in often remote parts of the Frontier.
If, on the other hand, the PCs already have all the prerequisite levels for starship skills, the Referee could go right into the pitch for SF4: Mission to Alcazzar explaining that they had lost contact with their base on Alcazzar and want to hire the PCs to go find out what is going on.
Laying the Groundwork
Let’s assume the PCs aren’t quite there yet, they need a few more XP to round out their skills and make the jump into the life of a spacer. The exact adventures are up to the referee but I’d use two design principles in setting them up.
First, they should be relatively remote. Or at least on sparsely populated worlds, New Pale instead of Pale, Morgaine’s World instead of Gran Quivera, Groth, Lossend, or either planet in the Scree Fron system. Remember that CDC works in developing new areas and tends to be on the edge of civilization.
This has some advantages for the PCs. One is that the travel times involved can be long. That means that they are bringing in a paycheck without having to do much work. The other is that since they are operating on the edges of civilization, there isn’t as much oversight or direct control. They are on their own to use their own discretion. Of course the downside is that they are potentially far from backup and resupply.
Second, they should come into direct conflict with agents of Streel and have heartaches and headaches because of it. I want to set them up do be ready to go after Streel in both Mission to Alcazzar and in the following Warriors of White Light adventures.
The Intermediate Adventures
Given the state of our PCs in this thread, they are basically ready to start getting their starship skills but I want to give them one more adventure before Mission to Alcazzar.
To that end I might have CDC discover something unique and valuable on Histran in the Scree Fron System. Maybe it’s something similar to items found on Volturnus, or maybe some manifestation of the matrix virus from Bugs in the System. Or it could just be that it’s another adventure with the Jurak Hangna Foundation and CDC is leveraging the PCs’ existing relationship. What it is, it should be something that leverages the PCs background and warrants shipping them all the way across the Frontier. Or if you don’t want to stretch that far, make it something on Lossend in the Timeon system. They are right in that neck of the woods so it’s not that far a trip.
Either way, they should be in a race against teams from other rival mega-corps, especially Streel, for whatever the prize is. They are not in the Truane’s Star system so Streel probably won’t be playing nice. The point is to make the conflict between Streel and CDC personal for the PCs.
For our PC’s I’d make this about a 15 XP adventure, whatever it ends up being. If your PCs need more XP, you can make it a bigger adventure or a series of smaller ones to get them where you want them.
Mission to Alcazzar

I would have this come to the PCs either right as they are finishing some assignment, or if they have been doing several assignments for CDC, I’d have them get pulled off a project they are currently working on. If possible, I prefer the latter as it emphasizes the importance of this assignment to the Company.
Regardless, they are bundled up and shipped off. Depending on where they are at with their other adventures, they will be headed to Prenglar or White Light to make the jump to Alcazzar. Along the way they will be briefed and allowed to provision for the adventure.
Run the adventure as written. The beginning might be a little different if the PCs have been working for CDC but if they are picked up directly to solve the problem on Alcazzar, you can play it directly out of the module. Regardless, they are on a double pay rate so this will help to earn them some extra cash.
This module doesn’t give an expected amount of XP to be earned (or if it does, I missed it in skimming back over it). However, based on the encounters, I’d award up to 6 XP at the CDC compound, 3XP for the journey to the Streel compound, up to 6 XP for successful interactions with the Lokkuku, and 3 XP for taking out the Streel compound successfully. That gives up to 18 XP, similar to other modules. We just need to get them enough to by the Knight Hawks skills.
The PCs should definitely be given the stock option offer. If they don’t choose to buy their spaceship skills with the XP earned, you could run them on more adventures for CDC to get them a bit more XP. If you take this option, I’d heavily weight the adventures to events involving starships to get the PCs thinking in that direction. Possibly even have their CDC contact recommend they get those skills. Once they do have the spaceship skills, however, I’d have whatever adventure they finish deposit them in White Light.
The Characters
From this portion of the campaign the PCs have netted 33 more XP. They’ve used them to lean all the necessary prerequisites and have each learned their first level 1 starship skill. Here is where they now stand.
Name: Yanni
Race: Yazirian, F
STR/STA: 40/40
DEX/RS: 55/55
INT/LOG: 55/55
PER/LDR: 45/45
Racial Abilities: Battle Rage 5%
XP: 164/175
PSA – Technological
Skills: Technician 4, Robotics 5, Computer 2, Beam 3, Melee 2, Engineer 1
Born on Hentz, Araks. Yanni likes to tinker with gadgets and vehicles. She’d love to be able to tinker on starships as well.
Name: Mekar
Race: Yazirian, M
STR/STA: 45/45
DEX/RS: 70/70
INT/LOG: 55/55
PER/LDR: 55/55
Racial Abilities: Battle Rage 5%
XP: 154/172
PSA – Bio-social
Skills: Medic 4, Environmental 3, Projectile 4, Psycho-social 2, Melee 1, Gyrojet 2, Rocket Weapons 1
Born on Pale, Truane’s Star. As Mekar will tell anyone who asks, his job is to understand the local critters and keep everyone else in one piece. [Mekar will eventually have a Rocket Weapons spaceship skill but getting a bio-social PSA character there takes a bit of work.]
Name: Dolnab
Race: Dralasite
STR/STA: 55/55
DEX/RS: 65/65
INT/LOG: 70/70
PER/LDR: 50/50
Racial Abilities: Lie Detection 5%
XP: 160/175
PSA – Techological
Skills: Technician 6, Computer 2, Robotics 1, Projectile 3, Melee 2, Demolitions 1, Pilot 1
Born on Inner Reach, Dramune. Dolnab loves to tinker with computers and also play flight simulator games.
Name: Michaella
Race: Human, F
STR/STA: 55/55
DEX/RS: 64/61
INT/LOG: 50/50
PER/LDR: 40/40
XP: 156/175
PSA – Military
Skills: Beam 6, Melee 4, Environmental 1, Thrown 3, Martial Arts 2, Medic 1, Projectile 3, Energy Weapons 1
Born on Minotaur, Theseus. Michaella grew up as the youngest of seven with six older brothers. She learned to shoot and hold her own with her brothers’ rough-housing at a young age.
Name: K’sta’n
Race: Vrusk, F
STR/STA: 50/50
DEX/RS: 75/75
INT/LOG: 50/50
PER/LDR: 35/35
Racial Abilities: Comprehension 15%
XP: 135/142
PSA – Military
Skills: Gyrojet 5, Martial Arts 4, Projectile 4, Technician 2, Melee 3, Thrown 3, Rocket Weapons 1
Born on Terldrom, Fromeltar. K’sta’n has always had an interest in weapons, but also in the forms of the various martial arts.
Name: T’vor
Race: Vrusk, M
STR/STA: 40/40
DEX/RS: 55/55
INT/LOG: 65/65
PER/LDR: 40/40
Racial Abilities: Comprehension 15%
XP: 142/142
PSA – Technological
Skills: Computer 6, Robotics 3, Beam 3, Melee 2, Technician 1, Astrogation 1
Born on Gran Quivera, Prenglar. T’vor used to hang aout at the University of Prenglar as a kid and chat up the tech professors. He loves to hack computers and robots and can usually get anything working, eventually. He also has a deep interest in astronomy.