I had intended for Alyssa to play a larger role in the Death at Rosegard adventure when I ran it for my group. But, like many of the things GMs put into their adventures, the party didn’t really take an interest in her. I used her for the first role she was supposed to play and then I forgot about using her later on. So it is at least partially on me.
Alyssa is the daughter of Larroy & Camryn Tinett, the village’s vet and computer specialist respectively. Her maternal grandparents also live in the village, Steven & Janie Hite. She is very intelligent, inquisitive, and adventurous. She is also an only child.
Alyssa Tinett

Physically, Alyssa is about 137 cm (4’6″) tall and weighs about 32 kg (70 lbs). She has long brown hair that reaches her mid-back which she typically wears in a pony tail. She has green eyes, and a light tan complexion.
She has her mother’s interest in computers and has picked up quite a bit of experience helping around her mom’s shop.
Alyssa is curious and friendly and a xenophile, very interested in the non-human races of the Frontier. As such, she likes to visit the Streel mine compound and talk to the staff there. She has befriended the resident geologist, a yazirian named Talnor Malon, who has been teaching her how to sword fight, probably against her parents wishes.
Note: If any of my players are reading this, they may notice that I describe Talnor here as a geologist. In the game when I ran it I made him the roboticist but that was a mistake I made when introducing him and just went with it (as it really doesn’t affect the game much at all). He was supposed to be the geologist and I just read my notes wrong.
STR/STA: 25/25
DEX/RS: 45/45
INT/LOG: 60/65
PER/LDR: 60/60
Skills: Computer – 1, Melee (sword only) – 1
In The Adventure
When the PCs arrive in town, there will be a party going on at the city center and the PCs will be flagged down by one of the mine staff and escorted inside to join the celebrations.
The event is a birthday party for Alyssa who is turning 12. When the PCs enter, she will be seen across the hall in a pale blue summer dress. Despite her feminine attire she will be engaged in a mock sword fight with a boy that looks to be a year or two older and a few inches taller than her. She is also winning. Any yazirian PC will notice that she is wielding her sword as a yazirian would wield a kha’dan (yazirian honor blade).
When Alyssa notices the PCs, she will let out a loud squeal of excitement, abandon the sword fight, and race over to talk with the PCs, especially the non-human ones. She will be full of questions and youthful curiosity but her questions will be very intelligent.
Regular interactions
As the PCs investigate and interact with the town, Alyssa will tail around with them if they let her. She will mostly stay out of the way but will try to strike up conversations when they are not busy and will provide information if asked. She received a short sword from Talnor as a birthday present and will be conspicuously wearing it whenever she is out and about.
Up until now she has typically gone by the nickname “Ali” and most of the townspeople will call or refer to her by that name. However, now that she’s 12, she wants to go by her full name and will always introduce herself as Alyssa and correct anyone that calls her Ali. The exception to that are her grandparents, they still get to call her Ali.
Leaving Town
When the PCs leave the village, she will attempt to hide in the back of their explorer. Unless the characters are explicitly looking or being careful to prevent it, she will not be discovered until they are many hours away from town. For each hour of travel, there is a 5% cumulative chance that she will be discovered (i.e. 5% after one hour, 10% after 2 hours, and so on).
Because she ranges round the town and mine so much, she won’t be missed until near the end of the day that the PCs leave. At which point, if they haven’t discovered her and let the village know that she is with them, they will get a call on their radiophone asking if they have seen her. At which point she will accidentally give herself away in the back of the vehicle.
Alyssa has dressed and packed for an adventure. She is wearing jeans, shirt and boot, and has a backpack containing a jacket, 2 liters of water, 4 days of travel rations, an all-weather blanket, a compass, a pocket tool, and a change of clothes. She also has a chronocom and the short sword she received from Talnor on her birthday.
She wants to have an adventure and will do anything she can to convince the PCs to let her stay with them. The referee should play up her excitement, desire to explore and learn, and willingness to help the PCs anyway she can to try to convince them to keep her with them as long as possible.
Further Interactions
What the PCs do with her is up to them. Depending on when they discover her and where they are at, they can return to the village delaying what they were working on or can decide to keep her with them.
Returning her home will result in a severe scolding for her from her parents and profuse thanks to the PCs for keeping her safe. The longer they keep her with them, the less profuse the thanks will be, however, as her family will be worried about her.
On the other hand, if the PCs keep Allysa with them, she will be obedient and helpful, although very curious and inquisitive about what they are doing. She realizes she is there only at their whim and wants to stay on the PCs’ good side. It’s up to the referee to decide on the final responses and repercussions from the village and Streel for whatever course the PCs choose.
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