This has been a crazy month. With the world mostly locked down, it’s been interesting to see how things have changed and evolved. For me, work hasn’t changed much as I already worked from home full time. The main difference is that now I have even less free time since in addition to full time work, I have to manage the schooling for my four youngest children. But because of that, I haven’t gotten as much done as I had hoped.
Looking Back

As usual I started off the month with the Detailed Frontier Timeline post followed by a post on a new miniature and model, this time the freighter from the Federation Ships boxed set. Next came a post on the Blue Plague, inspired by the events unfolding around us right now. Finally, last week I finally put together the map of the Yazira Sector, the region of space beyond the Frontier where the HSS History’s Hope is exploring in an attempt to rediscover the Yazirian homeworld. I had originally thought to do a different, but related post in that slot. More on that later. And this post is the final Tuesday post this month.
You might have noticed that there wasn’t an RPG Blog Carnival post this month. The topic was Alchemy and I just wasn’t having any inspiration on that topic for a sci-fi setting.
A lot of my free time this month was spent on the Frontier Explorer. For the first time since we rebooted the zine, I’m actually ahead of the game. As of right now I’m waiting on one final article and a few pieces of art to finish of the issue. I was able to get all the submitted articles edited and into a preliminary layout. I expect that this issue will be out much earlier in the month than the last few issues, which squeaked in just before the end of the month.
Beyond that, not much has been going on. I didn’t get anything done on the website migrations and upgrades and don’t think I got any writing done on my book. The COVID-19 adjustments have just eaten up all my spare time.
Looking Forward
The timeline post is queued up and ready to go out next week. After that will be a post on the agriculture ship model I created. My plan is to do a post on the True Yazira secret society. I had planned to do that instead of the Yazira sector map post this month but two things resulted in putting that off. One was simply that I didn’t have time to do it justice. The other was that I wanted the HSS History’s Hope expedition detailed out since they are related. More on that later this month. The final post will hopefully be related to the Blog Carnival. April’s topic is “Corners of the Multiverse” so I should be able to come up with something.

The other big thing happening this month will be the Frontier Explorer. As I already mentioned, issue 28 is almost completely done. So watch for an announcement on that. Here’s a teaser of the cover.
With my house settling into a routine, I’m starting to have a bit more free time. Hopefully that means more of my behind the scenes projects will get some love including getting more web site work and book writing done. I also suspect that this month I’ll be starting in on my writing for the Space Kids RPG that successfully funded and which I mentioned last month. I also hope to start painting some of these miniatures that I’ve been creating.
I’ll also be working on new models as the ag ship is the last one I’ve finished. This month I’ll start working on the ships from the Privateers boxed set. Hopefully I’ll find my missing three miniatures but I have three to start with.
What have you been working on this last month? Are there things you’d like to see me post about? Let me know in the comments below.