I haven’t had as much time as I thought I would to create content directly on the blog but I thought that I’d let you know of some things that have been going on.
First, I have been working on the Detailed Frontier Timeline. Posts have been going out (almost) daily on the @Star Frontiers account on Twitter and you can expect a summary post here at the beginning of May.

Second, the Moonbright Stinger (aka Gullwind) 3D model is finally up on DriveThruRPG where you can download it if you want. It’s taken me nearly a year to get it up there but I finally got around to it. I know at least one of the readers will be happy. They keep asking about it.

Finally, if you are collecting the print copies of the Frontier Explorer, the print version of the final issue, issue 36, is now available for order on DriveThruRPG. You can follow the link to grab a copy.
I’ve also started looking at website updates. I’ll probably be updating the Frontier Explorer site first as there is some issue with the current site that causes it to send a random process off in to some weird infinite loop that is using up all the spare CPU cycles on my server. It’s really strange and I haven’t tracked down what is causing it. Since I was planning on an upgrade anyway, That will hopefully solve the problem.
That’s it for now. Hopefully there will be more soon.